Bound By One: Code Red

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September 16th
6:32 AM

[Russia's POV]

I hid the communication device beneath the sash that stretched from my shoulder to the waist as I arrived in front of the unknown building. The establishment was raised by porcelain structures, however, everything was in a dull shade of dark grey. The walls were bleak and worn down, a sight that was quite unpleasant for a passerby. A determined sigh escaped my lips as I began to approach the entrance.

The door opened with a slight creaking noise as I made my way inside. My gaze laid upon the narrow corridor straight ahead. A faint light illuminated the entrance, itself mildly flickering.

Static noises were heard from beneath the accessory, along with a voice rattling in my ears.

"Are you there?" asked the agent on the speaker.

"Yes." I replied lowly.

Along the walls and ceiling snaked electrical wires, some of which had copper conductors out in the open, posing a threat to anyone who was remotely close to them. Electrocution was hazardous as currents with high voltage would burn one's limbs in an instant. Thankfully, I was careful enough not to touch any of them, keeping myself away from potential risks.

As I advanced through the corridor, I began to inspect the ceiling. With an attentive glance, I spotted security cameras guarding the building and recording my every step. I wasn't sure if they were able to crack down my identity from a single video tape, however, for security measures, I sneakily hid some of my face to try and not get detected.

A few guns loaded with ammo were holstered next to the communication device snuck underneath my sash. They were all camouflaged. The enemies wouldn't have noticed I was fully armed at first.

"You still there?" the same voice hit my ears.

"Yeah, why?" I replied after a two second interval.

"I sent you the location. Room 2-0-9."

A short beep escaped from my pocket. I took out the portable device and the screen emitted a green beam, lighting up the ceiling. The coordinates of the room were displayed and I took my time to analyse the digits before heading to the location.

"If backup is needed, shout the code." the person on the line commented.

I adjusted the volume of the device and followed the green ray of light. Short beeps were let out, signifying that I was close to the target room. The victim was suspected to be inside, held captive.

Louder noise came from the mechanism. The beeping got quicker and a red strip of light brightly flashed in between less than a second intervals. The device was able to track down potential threats and alert the holder in case of emergencies, whether it was security breaches or enemies wandering nearby. A warning sign popped up, transitioning into a box which contained information that was considered vital for such an unpleasant circumstance. A 2D map of the building was showcased while a red dot blinked in one of the corners. Coincidentally, it was one of the closest to my location. I quickly reduced the brightness and sprinted towards the opposite direction, hoping that I would have had enough time to at least get near the door of the room I was looking for.

Running through a dimly lit corridor, I scaled down the screen until it became a 600 x 450 rectangle and inspected the map. The flickering dot drew closer to where I was standing. I gave a side eye behind me and tried to think of a plan. The enemy was close to the main objective, therefore I was going to get caught in less than two minutes. I shoved my hand underneath the sash and took the portable station in my left hand, drawing it closer to my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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