Chapter 99

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Chow is a virus expert from country A. He developed the zombie virus X-26 and then leaked the virus due to undisclosed reasons. He is wanted by country A for crimes against humanity.

After knowing that he is the father of the virus, people all over the world are trying their best to search for him. Some want to kill him, and some want him to live to study the antidote... With the global concerted efforts to search, Chow has hidden an entire secret in the apocalypse. It took five years before anyone found any clues.

It turned out that he had returned to his mother's homeland, Country C. For a time, all the strong men from all over the world went to Country C.

But he hid for another three or four years before he was caught. At this time, he was already the zombie king who could summon an army of zombies. He never attacked humans on his own initiative, but anyone who tried to find him would never be found alive. The chance of coming back, no matter what the level of the power, is never exception.

Finally, in the tenth year of the end of the world, the protagonist Gong Tuji, who was already the strongest in the end of the world in the original text, united with other masters in the world, and a group of ten people joined forces to kill Chow.

This is the plot about chow in the original article. In the previous life without Tu Ji, the number one master, I am afraid that chow could have lived longer.

How could such an ultimate boss appear in front of people now? And came to the imperial capital? Lin Hanchuan was very puzzled.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Cheng Jizhou was puzzled and looked back at Lin Hanchuan who was blocking the door to prevent him from entering. "Don't you invite me to go back and sit down for a while?" His appearance was handsome,

more like a scientific researcher than a scientific researcher. The young actor or model on the big screen now has vivid eyes, beautiful sky blue pupils, clear and translucent, and looks at Lin Hanchuan with a strange familiarity.

Lin Hanchuan silently let the door open and watched the future zombie emperor enter the house in a familiar manner, sit on the sofa, and also picked up the candies prepared for Cheng Jizhou from the fruit bowl and stuffed them into his mouth.

A series of movements were smooth and flowing, and then he raised his head: "Why don't you sit down?"

Cheng Jizhou didn't know Lin Hanchuan's psychological thoughts, and thought that Lin Hanchuan was shocked by his appearance, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up in a faintly complacent arc.

Compared with his excellent work ability, Cheng Jizhou's appearance is the thing that has received the most praise. He doesn't care much about his appearance, but he also knows that he is better-looking than most people in the world - most of them, That's 99.99%.

If his assistant looked at him in a daze, Cheng Jizhou would have started scolding him and immediately changed assistants. But if it was the man in front of him...

Cheng Jizhou raised his chin, his eyes shining: "You like my face? You do. If so, just read more."

Lin Hanchuan didn't know where Cheng Jizhou's misunderstanding and confidence came from. He ignored this boring topic and asked, "Where is Zhouzhou? You didn't bring him here?" The

original article did not mention that chow was still here. What younger brother is there?

In fact, the source of the zombie virus and the background of chow are briefly mentioned in the original text without any in-depth description. Even the ending is that the zombies lose the zombie queen and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced. Most of them are cleaned up by humans, leaving only a few very small ones. Common zombies that are easy to deal with.

No vaccine or medicine has been developed to combat the zombie virus, and humans and zombie viruses have coexisted since then.

Cheng Jizhou's face sank pitifully, and he looked dissatisfied: "My brother, it's none of your business."

According to Cheng Jizhou's idea, after he changes back to his original appearance, he can follow the other person at any time, and then the two of them will be inseparable... Cheng Jizhou, who didn't have a thorough understanding of human emotions, felt that he seemed to have done something wrong. Not only could he not be inseparable, he couldn't even hold a regular hug.

Angry, very angry, I have never been so angry when my father stole my research results. Just

when the atmosphere between the two of them deteriorated, the door of another room opened and Wei Zheng walked out. He glanced at the two people sitting in the living room sleepily and said hello: "Boss, Zhou Zhou."

He paused suddenly, and his eyes stayed on Cheng Jizhou for a few seconds. He took a step back and closed the door, opened it again, looked at Cheng Jizhou, closed it and opened it again. He repeated this three times before he asked with a confused look: "I'm sleeping." How long has it been? Has Zhouzhou grown so big?"

These words made Lin Hanchuan's heart move slightly, and he poked 001 who was pretending to be dead: [Can you tell that he and Zhouzhou are the same person? 】

【 ] 001 replied slowly, and then paused for a few seconds, [Scanning confirmed that the soul fluctuations are consistent, and the possibility of it being the same person is 100%. 】

This can be understood. Lin Hanchuan slowly breathed a sigh of relief and just confirmed that Zhouzhou was fine.

He didn't expect that the person he randomly rescued in an inconspicuous town would actually be the biggest boss. Lin Hanchuan thought about it. In the original text, Tu Ji overdrawn his powers in order to save Rong Ziping, which caused him to be in poor condition for those few days. He also refused Rong Ziping's request to save people. The two even had an quarrel. After Rong Ziping Reconciliation comes only after rebirth.

So, chow has always been there, it's just that the protagonist team passed him by.

And the Zombie King doesn't know what method he used. Not only can he disguise himself as a human, but he can also turn into an unsuspecting child. Using this, it makes sense that he can escape the pursuit of the whole world.

[Can you tell that he is Wan Lishuang? ] Lin Hanchuan asked the system again.

When getting along with Cheng Jizhou, Lin Hanchuan discovered that the other person gave him a familiar feeling, which had nothing to do with his appearance or personality. His eyes shone slightly when he was irritated, his little hobby of having his head touched, and his apparent indifference when eating sweets. The act of giving him food... reminded Lin Hanchuan of people from previous worlds.

But Cheng Jizhou was too young, so Lin Hanchuan subconsciously ruled out this option and only regarded Cheng Jizhou as his cute little brother, and maybe he was a little bit in love with Wujiwu.

Now, after knowing that Cheng Jizhou was Chow, Lin Hanchuan had a bold idea.

[...cannot be scanned. ] 001 said in frustration after struggling for a while, [I cannot store the soul fluctuations of the previous world, and there is no way to compare them. 】

001 is also a little confused. It stands to reason that he is the latest version of the system. How could there be such a low-level bug? The most likely possibility is that the other party has a system hidden in him that is higher level and more powerful than him, blocking other systems from scanning the host.

001 has always boasted of the latest version of its advanced system, and it was hard not to be frustrated when it encountered this kind of thing on its first mission.

Lin Hanchuan didn't care about 001's answer. After experiencing so many worlds, he already had a vague hunch that the person he fell in love with was not simple. At this time, he only strengthened this idea.

But no matter what, this is the person he likes, the person he has been looking for for a long time. There was a smile in Lin Hanchuan's eyes, and he said to Wei Zheng, "This is Zhouzhou's brother, Da Zhouzhou."

Da Zhouzhou? Cheng Jizhou, who was unhappy, suddenly widened his eyes. His round eyes were no longer cold and distant, making this dizzyingly beautiful face a little more ignorant and cute.

Lin Hanchuan's heart moved, and the corners of his mouth widened slightly.

It was rare for a person who had always been indifferent to show such a pure smile, and Cheng Jizhou's already dead heart couldn't help but tremble. His long eyelashes trembled, and he soon became dissatisfied: "Why are you looking at me like that? "

Although he has a nice smile, Cheng Jizhou is not the kind of person who will be confused by a smile. The way Lin Hanchuan looks at him is clearly recalling someone through him. He smiles because he thinks of that person. .

Who is that person? It couldn't be Rong Ziping anyway. It was the first time that Cheng Jizhou felt such a strange feeling, sour, astringent, and uncomfortable. He thought angrily that he should turn him into a zombie.

"You're very good-looking." Lin Hanchuan said with a wider smile in his eyes, "I really like it."

Although he would like Cheng Jizhou no matter what he looked like.

Cheng Jizhou became happy again.

Wei Zheng's eyes were even more confused. He wanted to ask what happened, why brother Zhouzhou suddenly appeared, and where did little Zhouzhou go, but he looked at the strange and disturbing relationship between the two people. |The atmosphere, the inexplicable feeling, as if I should disappear on the spot.

She shouldn't be in the living room, she should go back to the room and hug Lu Mao to sleep. Wei Zheng slowly retreated to the bedroom and closed the door. No one noticed his disappearance.

When Lin Hanchuan finally confirmed the identity of the person he was looking for, the Rong family had already gotten up.

Rong Ziping returned to Rong's house yesterday and was surrounded by his parents and brother with concern. He hid the origin of his space and his rebirth, and only told his family that he had activated his space powers.

There are dozens of millions of survivors in the imperial capital, and countless superpowers have been leveled up, but none of them have spatial superpowers. This is the first spatial superpower since the end of the world!

Rong's father immediately noticed the huge potential benefits and immediately asked: "How big is your space? What can it hold? Can living things be used? How about preserving time?..." A

series of repeated questions made Rong Zi calm. Not knowing how to answer, he thought for a while and told the situation truthfully.

"If we have land, can we farm?" Rong's father's eyes lit up, there was a space for farming!

"I haven't tried it." Rong Ziping shook his head blankly. He was a young master who never knew how to do housework, let alone farming. In the most difficult time of the last days, it was just Lin Hanchuan who suddenly He was indifferent and reduced his food and clothing expenses to the same level as ordinary people.

Before that, he had someone to do everything for him, but after that, he had spatial powers and was protected by the highest level of the team.

Under such circumstances, even if he wanted to try farming, there was no way he could try.

"I'll give you the seeds, you try." Rong's father said.

While eating breakfast, they were talking about business. After the conversation, they finished their meal. At this moment, Rong Ziping hesitated and said: "Dad, brother...has he ever killed anyone before?" "Human life? You

said Which one?" The eldest young master of the Rong family, who was drinking porridge silently, laughed. His appearance was not bad, but his posture was too frivolous and looked greasy. "There are many women who aborted my pregnancy." The eldest

brother of the Rong family only dated before the end of the world . There are many men and women who are too carefree. After the apocalypse, their true nature is exposed. They completely lose their worries and play bigger and more expensive games. Rong Ziping heard the sounds from the next room in his room last night.

"It's not this kind of human life, it's... a real human life." Rong Ziping turned away and looked at his eldest brother, who looked like a dog, "Ten years ago, you caused a human life and let a student take the blame..."

Everyone present changed their expressions, Rong's mother interrupted him sharply: "What nonsense are you listening to!"

But the eldest brother of the Rong family smiled nonchalantly, waved his hand and said, "It was ten years ago. At that time I was young and ignorant, but later I became more measured in my actions. It's the end of the world now, so why are we digging out these old almanacs?" "

That scapegoat must have died long ago."

Not only did the scapegoat not die, he became a He has a superpower and plans to seek revenge on you. Rong Ziping was a little confused for a moment.

When he heard about this before he was reborn, his first reaction was that he didn't believe it. After he was reborn, he knew his eldest brother's character and had a vague premonition about it, but now that it was confirmed, he didn't feel happy at all.

It turned out that he and that man really had a blood feud. Rong Ziping was in a daze for a moment. He couldn't kill his relatives out of justice, so he could only drift away from that person.

The person who still looked for fresh fruit for him in the last days, the person who saved him from danger countless times, the person who put him first, the person who was willing to die for him... all kinds of memories are intertwined. In his mind, he was finally pushed into a group of zombies.

At that time, he was filled with disbelief, anger and hatred swallowed his heart, but there was a person who jumped to him regardless of the danger, trying to save him and try to protect him in his arms.

Rong Ziping could have been sent out of the zombie swarm, but he was shot again by his childhood sweetheart, fell into the zombie swarm again, and was bitten to death alive.

When he came back, he was full of hatred and just wanted revenge. He also ignored the person who treated him best and just wanted to maintain a cooperative relationship. But when he got to this point, Rong Ziping found that he was unwilling to give up.

Rong Ziping gritted his teeth, glared at his elder brother, and then said to Rong's father: "The person who escorted me back is a superpower. Dad, can you recruit him with the highest treatment?" "

What's his level?" Father Rong frowned. Although superpowers were important, some superpowers were of little use.

"He is very powerful." Rong Ziping said, "He has a thunder power. I don't know what level he is, but he must be above level two." Rong's father's

brows relaxed slightly, and he smiled: "That's right, it's okay, just let him You go and recruit them."

Rong Ziping hesitated for a long time, but in the end he didn't say that this person with thunder powers was the scapegoat of the high school student back then, because he knew that with his father's character, his first thought after learning about this incident would definitely be... To eliminate future troubles, eradicate the roots.

He didn't want to hurt that person anymore.

Recruiting with the highest conditions, making up for the harm he suffered before, so that he can forget his hatred, this is Rong Ziping's only thought at the moment.

The author has something to say:

Zha Shou: My childhood sweetheart killed me, I must take revenge!

Still a scumbag: I want to make it up to him and make him forget his hatred!

Tips: Ten million! don't want! Update Jinjiang! Ugly!

Not only is it extremely ugly, it is also ugly and annoying. Many comments have been removed, and high Vs have also been turned into low Vs. All comments are under review...

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