Unexpected Club Visitor

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The days that follow their passionate encounter weighs heavily on Cordelia's mind. She finds herself questioning the decision she has made, the consequences of surrendering to Alec's desires. As each day passes, Alec's possessiveness grows, keeping Cordelia confined to his office and bedroom, fearing that she might attempt to escape and seek solace in the arms of Kenrick. Cordelia, her eyes betraying a mix of regret and determination, approaches Alec in his office. She knows she has to ease his worries, to reassure him that she will not break their promise to each other. With a deep breath, she speaks, her voice carrying a sincerity that she hopes will reach him.

"Alec, please understand. I made a promise to you, and I intend to keep it. I won't run away, and I won't seek Kenrick. You have my word."

Alec, his expression guarded, regards her cautiously. The glimmer of doubt still lingers in his eyes, but he wants desperately to believe her.

"Cordelia, you must understand my concerns. You hold a power over me that no other woman ever has. It's intoxicating, but it also makes me wary. I fear losing you, losing control. I need to know that you're truly committed to this."

Cordelia, her voice filled with sincerity, walks over to where Alec sits in his office chair and reaches out to him, placing a hand on his arm.

"Alec, I understand your fears, and I won't deny the allure that binds us. But I chose you, willingly, and I won't break my promise. I will stay by your side, devoted to you and your desires. You are my master now, and I will be your number one treasure at the club."

Alec's guarded expression softens slightly, a glimmer of hope shining through. He wants nothing more than to trust Cordelia, to believe that her words are true. Tentatively, he reaches out and brushes a strand of hair away from her face.

"Cordelia, my succubus, if you truly mean what you say, then show me. Prove your loyalty, not just with words, but with actions. Work for me again, let the world see that you belong to me."

Cordelia, her resolve strengthening, nods in agreement.

"I will, Alec. I will work tirelessly, using my allure and charm to captivate the patrons of the club. They will see that I am yours, and yours alone."

Alec's grip on her arm tightens, his possessiveness resurfacing, but this time mixed with a glimmer of hope.

"Very well, Cordelia. I will hold you to your word. But remember, any hint of betrayal, and I will ensure that the consequences are severe. You are bound to me, now and forever."

Cordelia's eyes meet Alec's, her resolve clear.

"I understand, Alec. I am yours, and I will prove it to you."

Alec looks at Cordelia intently, his eyes filled with a mix of longing and uncertainty.

"How can you prove to me that you won't break your promise," he asks, his voice laced with a hint of desperation.

Cordelia takes a moment to gather her thoughts before responding.

"I understand your concerns, Alec. I truly want to show you that I'm committed to staying here with you," she says, her voice filled with sincerity.

Alec pulls her onto his lap, his touch igniting a familiar spark within Cordelia. She takes a deep breath, trying to resist the allure of her succubus hunger.

"I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust. I can start by being more involved in the club's operations and becoming your most dedicated employee. I will prove my loyalty to you every single day," she promises, her eyes locked with his.

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