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I swoop down onto the terrorized city, dodging the aliens as they bombard the buildings. My wings span the entirety of the street and a bit more. Its an effort to stay this low without hurting myself. My wings heave my body into a stabilized position, and I swing my head around, attempting to pinpoint my sister. I spot her and Captain America fighting side by side, and the idiotic alien creeping up behind them. I screech and let loose a blast of plasma, watching in satisfaction as the unknown assailant shrivels up and turns to ash. Natasha looks up and waves before decapitating another monster. Cap barely waves in my direction before turning to my sister and saying something to her.

I watch as she takes a few steps back, flaming vehicles around her, Cap kneeling in front of her (I smirk inwardly at the sight of the great patriotic hero on his knees before an ex-Russian spy). She begins her run towards Cap as an alien craft speeds overhead. She uses the force of the Captains shield to propel her onto the aircraft, and she lands on top of it smoothly. I fall in behind her as she speeds off, away from the falling body of the beast, and towards the portal.

Lightning strikes from above as Thor lands beside Steve, in the place Natasha was a few moments ago, and begins to slice his way through the Chituri. The ugly beasts. Their golden armor barely concealing what looks to be rotting, grey flesh beneath. I let out another roar as Natasha and I dodge our way through the murderous things and land on the tower that Eric Selvig has stationed his weapon on. She hits him on the back of the head and moves his limp body to the side as she begins to hack into the machine to close it.

My bones crack and mold together, I wince in slight pain and finish my transformation, my wings staying out in case I'm needed elsewhere. I take the needle from Nat's outstretched hand and stride over to Selvigs prone form. I move his head to the side and insert the needle into his neck, ignoring the flinch. As I inject the serum, I glance over at Natasha and see her typing furiously at a screen.

"Whats the outlook?" I screech over the grutal noises of the battle.

"Not good," Nat glances back at me. "I can't close the portal. There are too many Chituri cronies coming through."

"Fuck." I mutter.

"That's all you've got to say? 'Fuck'?" Natasha grumbles.

I roll my eyes and turn back to the doctor. His eyes are wide as the blue fades out of them and he stutters over his words. I hold a hand up and turn back to my sister, raising my eyebrows at her. She shrugs and rolls her eyes at the man. I smirk and walk over to the ledge, "I'll be back soon."

My wings stretch out wide as I glide down to the street level. I land heavily and crash into a few alien soldiers. I shudder inwardly as their armor falls off. I slide a metal pole out from underneath a car and swing it at the head of a fast approaching Chituri soldier. It stumbled backwards but glared at me. I move my hands so I'm holding the pole like a sword and prepare myself for the oncoming attack. 

The beast charges at me. I slide to the side and hit its back with the blunt edge. It whirls around at slashes wildly at my body. I attempt to block the blows with the pole, a few still slip through. It snaps at me with its teeth and I shove the pole into its chest. Its black blood shoots from its chest as it falls to the ground.

I look up and see Steve running towards me. He stops in front of me and hands me a plasma gun. Its a gun Tony made for me that replicates my plasma blast, it had taken a few weeks to make, but was overall the most deadly weapon I have in my arsenal. I take it from Caps hand and click the side of the top back. It clicks and loads. I click it to my belt and run after him as he returns to the rest of the Avengers.

As we get there, Bruce makes an appearance, slowly walking through the broken street. I nod at him and he nods back. Thor flies overhead, chasing a spiraling aircraft. I wince as it crashes into Stark Tower, leaving only one window in tact. I signal to the others that I was going to take off after him but Steve grabs my arm.



"I'll be safe, promise." I say. He just shakes his head.

"Go help Tony. Hes chasing some leviathans around and we need you up there."

"I'm going to be busy then." I point to the sky towards at least two of the bastards and over to Tony who's flying towards us with one on his backside.

"Doctor, I think it's time to get angry." Steve says as he turns to Bruce.

"Well that's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry." Bruce says as he walks towards the leviathan. I turn away and shift into my dragon form. I fly off and pass Tony as a deafening crash comes from behind me. I grimace as I imagine the destruction that a dead leviathan could cause on this already destroyed city.

The city below is in shambles. Buildings half crumbled and alight with fire. Rubble from those skyscrapers is strewn around the streets like discarded paper. Cars are either completely flattened or on fire. Civilians are running for the cover of the metro way as Chituri aliens are following their screaming figures. More of the assholes are flooding through the open portal, the once clear and blue sky is now crowded with the horrid creatures that are going to give me nightmares. Smoke billows into the air and clouds my vision slightly.

Once my body is above the city I start to look for my opponent. Thankfully I don't have to look long because one comes up behind me. It snaps at my tail and I shoot forwards in terror. I hate being one of the bigger hero's. By bigger, I mean size comparison. Hulk and I are usually left to deal with all the bigger creatures.

It races after me and I can't find a spot to turn around and shoot it in. My eyes flicker up.

That'll work.

I bank up, towards the clouds and the idiotic beast follows me. I remember Thor telling me that their eyesight is not so good so they rely on smell and noise. Once I'm in the clouds, I turn sharply to the right and slowly glide around the now agitated alien. I shoot at it and it roars loudly. I shoot at it again, it swings it's giant body around to see me. By the time it reaches my last location I'm gone. I decide to go in for the final blow. One final time, I aim for the small vulnerable spot behind its head and fire. It shudders and begins to fall for the ground. I follow, needing to get back to the battle.

We break throught the cloud layer, the limp body of the beast now falling faster. Fire ignites its body and I wince at the backlash that's going to happen after this fight. People will be slamming us for the destruction caused and-

I see Tony falling from the now closed portal. I let out a roar of fear as he doesn't right himself. I dive towards him, keeping my legs outstretched, and catch him midair. The momentum of me slamming into him causes us to fall into one of the only untouched buildings in the now destroyed city. I wrap my wings around my torso and pull Stark in close, hoping to avoid any further damage.

We hit the building with enough force to knock the wind from my lungs, and tumble heavily towards the ground. I whimper slightly as we hit the street and I hear a small snap from my tail. Begging the Lord's it isn't broken.

The other Avengers run up to us with Natasha leading the way. She slides next to me and glances over my prone form. She seems satisfied with what she sees and gestures for me to open my wings. I let my head drop backwards onto the road and open my wings.

Steve gasps and drags Tony from my legs. I offer him no help because of my awkward position on the street. I'm five times the size of Natasha in this form, don't tell me you wouldn't be uncomfortable in this position. This position being my head stuck between two poles and my body laying horizontally across the street.

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