Downfall of the Reich

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Göring's reforms started to deteriorate the Reich, people once opressed were now free again. It all took a even worse turn when the SS and SA were dismissed in January 1952 at Göring's order.

Secret police no longer a thing, freedoms for people raised and a switch towards a democracy was looking very confidently. It all went off when in July the Reich announced the first free elections in years. Old parties that were either destroyed by the NSDAP or placed in it reformed themselves.

The SPD was first, then came the CDU and other smaller parties followed suite. New ones also appeared, examples being minority groups parties like the Deutch Juden Partei (DJP) founded in August by freed jews.

The elections would take place in August 1953, and in a democratic way more parties would take place including the minority parties. With the parliament on his side Göring didn't have problems with this reform. Although with some objections and against votes it still passed.

Then 3 days after the law was voted the day of the election was chosen, 24th of August 1953. To participate you had to announce your participation by October 1952. At the final day of the participation announcements 27 parties, some larger others smaller or just medium sized announced they will take place in the election.

Fast forward to 1953, Germania is finalized and a grand parade is held in the city centere. The day of the parade was named "The Reich's Victory" parade, where planes, tanks, soliders and all the technology of the Reich took place.

July 1953 campaign for the election are in the finalizing stages and polls show a victory for the new opposition. Composed of the SPD, the CDU and DJP which by percentage would get 48.56% while the NSDAP only 30.65%.

The election day came and millions of people took to the polls to vote. The biggest election in the world would take place. Over 100 million people had 2 days to elect the new government of the Reich.

In the first day 60 million votes were registered. And by the second another 45 million votes were counted. The vote was finalized now the counting had to begin. The process was all the time showed on TV and voiced on radio.

On the day the counting finished, 5 days after the 2 election days the results came in. People all over the Reich were all aimed to the TV broadcast announcing the results.

"SPD, 20.43% of the votes, Deutche Juden Partei, 9.23%, the CDU, 28.21%, the NADAP, 31.56% and other parties the rest of the percentage".

A victory for the opposition parties, well not really opposition parties anymore. A 57.87% victory over the 31.56% of the NSDAP. With this the fall of the Reich was imminent. Referendums of separation were made in several parts of the Reich.

By the summer of 1954 all of Europe, Africa and the world was no longer in German control. The Reich was officially dissolved on the 2nd of September 1954 when Austria declared independence from the Reich.

Total world domination was now a thing of the past. American revisionists helped the new world recover and establish democratic way of leadership all over the world. Hitler's dream destroyed by a reformist, just a corpse of the once Reich sit now in museums.

                       The End

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