The wall

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"I fucking hate tall man!" A young man with a slight accent scoff in frustration while glaring at his opponent. Why u might ask? Because the whole game only 10 of his spikes make it to his opponent court and he's been hitting the ball nonstop to the point he can feel pain in his shoulder and his knee. As painful as his body is he refuses to give up he's going to wipe the smirk off the asshole face that is standing in front of him.

"Le focus!" As he heard his setter shout at him he quickly keeps his anger in check and turn his focus back to his teammates instead of the man he despite for whatever reasons he have in his head.

Now its the asshole's teammates turn to serve and guess who's serving? Another asshole that the whole team despite even more. They know where the pink hair motherfucker is aiming for where the ball to land on so they all smile at jeno that's now standing near their libero meaning that he can do it. He can receive the ball from his bastard ex and win the game. But to everyone surprised the ball ended up going straight to their other teammate catching them off guard gaining another point for the asshole team.

"Fuck!!" Haechan shouted madly as soon as their second set end

"Im sorry. I can barely score at all"

"It's okay le. We still have another set. Win this and we win" the manager quickly reassure the younger that is slouching near him

"Yeah cheer up. Its just a practice match" jeno pat his head and give him a hard warming smile

"Thanks hyung..."

"You can scream it's fine. We dont care"

".... I fucking hate that giant motherfucker!! What is his god damn deal! He keep blocking and slaming my spike down!!!"
"Who the fuck does he think he is!! Just because he look good doesn't mean he can be a piece of shit!!!! I hate him i hate him i hate him!!!!"
"I want to fucking bite his dick off then fucking feed it to deagal" the younger Chinese man finally finished letting out his frustration but leaving his hyungs in shock with the last sentence

"You what? Nevermind that. He's not a piece of shit for doing what he suppose to do okay?" The manager once again try to be reasonable and calm his teammates down

"Oh please, he's best friends with that fucking na. Of course he's a piece of shit too" haechan stand up to wipe off his sweat as he glare intensely at someone from across the room

"I- whatever. Win this match guys. You can do it" the manager cheer his friends up as their coach signaled them to get back to the game

To their disappointment they lose terribly on the last set leaving them in even more frustration as their opponents smile in satisfaction. Both team finally lined up and unwillingly shook each other hand thanking each other for the games.

As the asshole team finally leave their coach ask them to stay back for a bit saying he have to announce something

"YESS!!!!!" "OH MY FUCKING GOD NOWAY" "I CANT WAIT" loud cheering was heard from everyone in the team after their coach announced that they're going to a training camp in seoul

"I've never been to seoul before!!
" im so excited!" Said haechan who is screaming already daydreaming about seoul forgetting all about the match that just happened an hour ago

"It's nothing special really" the young Chinese man shrugged as he continued to walk

"Oh please. Dont flex ur richass on us" haechan said while rolling his eyes

"Wait talking about that. Why are you here instead of staying overseas or something" jeno ask

"Technically i ammm overseas. But i wanna be with u guys so i stay here."

"That's.... Sweet. You asshole" haechan now run to the younger and pull him into thè tightest hug catching the younger off balance.

I hate you -markhyuck Chensung NorenminWhere stories live. Discover now