This is a crossover fanfiction with Bottom-tier Character Tomozaki and Spider-Man. After being bitten by a genetically enhanced spider, Tomozaki Fumiya becomes the famous web-crawler superhero Spider-Man as he battles supervillains to protect Japan.
The sweltering summer hear in the big city passed and cooler, cleaner air ushers in the new season. Autumnal flowers are in full bloom with vivid colors of the flowers on display in a garden in the square in front of the station.
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Our Hero, Tomizaki Fumiya, The Spider-Man, Friendly Neighborhood Vigilante, The Savior and Protector of Tokyo is now walking on the street enjoying the cool but comfortable wind of summer. He just finished his last exam subject last week along with his schoolmates, they all cheer loudly right after they walked out of the exam room.
Luckily, thank to the experiences, wisdom and knowledge he got from a few months ago, Spidey finally learns how balance both of his lifes in being a Superhero and a Normal High School Student. He controls the time when to Spider-Man and when to Tomozaki Fumiya more correctly so that neither of them can have a serious bad effect on each other, he did fail a bit at the beginning but things start to pay off the end.
The Final Exam of Grade 10 is a good example, he decided to reduce the amount of time for crime fighting and spent more on studying and revising. While he did feel worry about this city and its people, he realised that sometimes, he has to let people to deal with their own problems no matter how hard or dangerous they are, even if they fail in the end, they will have a chance to grow, evolve and adapt after learning from that failure and the mistake that they have made.
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Now that the Exam Season is over, Fumiya is thinking about taking some days off to relax without being Spider-Man but he is still wondering whether it is a right choice or not.
Suddenly, his thought is interrupted when his Spider-Sense warns him about a danger coming.
"What's wrong with me ? Why do I feel so uneasy ? Is my Spider-Sense trying to warn me about something." His superhuman's instinct keeps tingling to a direction so Fumiya decides to follow it. He keeps running toward the destination where it is telling him to go and that place is right in front of a train station.
"It feels like something is about to happen in this apparently calm square..." Tomozaki keeps looking around to see if there is any trouble before he feels something wrong near the flower garden near the train station.