11. Bound

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"Don't be bound by the past and its failure, but don't forget it's lessons either."


Octavia's P.O.V

A soft knock sounded on the door as I sat by the counter shaking the glass of whiskey in my hand. Drinking it all in one gulp I frowned as the harness of the liquor burned the back of my throat causing me to groan.

Slowly walking towards the door as it opened my eyes met with soft blue eyes. He had a cheeky grin on his face with a busted lip and bruised eye causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion. Stepping aside I allowed him to come in, trailing behind him as he passed me. 

"Octavia." He said as his deep velvet voice trickled down my spine. I stood where I was a few feet away from him. Taking a closer look I could see how beaten he looked, or rather tired. 

Sucking in a deep breath I murmured "Silas." 

He was now sitting at the edge of my bed a lost look on his face. "Can we talk?...Properly." He added looking directly into my eyes. 

"I guess it's too late to say no, Whiskey?" I replied turning back around to the kitchen to pour myself another glass of whiskey.

"On the rocks?"


The sound of the liquid being poured into the glass resonates on the walls of the room. The eerie silence eating us up.

"I'm sorry" I say, after feeling the need to apologize. The silence continued when he didn't respond. 

Handing the glass to him I take a seat across from him on the sofa. Leaning back and sinking into it's warmth, I close my eyes and take a sip of the Whiskey reminiscing the calming feeling it gave me.

"My mates coming back today." Silas whispers after a few moments causing my eyes to flutter open.

"You must be happy then." I murmur using the same tone he had while starring at the floor. His deep laugher resonates off the walls as he sat there, head tilted back laughing like a maniac. I narrowed my eyes watching him not knowing what to say as he continued to laugh. His laughter turned to small chuckles as he shook the drink in hand.  

"I don't know how to feel." Silas states taking a sip of his drink while a exhausted sigh escapes him.

"I thought...you loved her, shouldn't you be happy?" I question with a raised eyebrow. 

"I do."

Silas sighs as he leans forward placing his hands on his knees. "It's not that I don't of course I do, it's just...Amira...isn't exactly my mate."

I sat there dumfounded at his words, I open my mouth to speak yet nothing comes out. Finally formulating a proper thought I take a deep breath.

"Silas I-...What do you mean she isn't your mate?" 

Slowly his eyes come up and lock unto mine, waves of grief swimming in them or rather drowning his dilated pupils. With a sad smile he says, "Octavia...my mate dies two years ago." 

A gasp escapes me as I process his words, my heart beginning to feel heavy for him.

"Silas I-I don't understand...I don't know what to say...I'm so sorry that happened to you." I tell him making my way beside him on the bed.

"You don't need to feel sorry for me, I'm fine really. It's been so long ago." He waved with a fleeting smile.

"It's okay to not be okay Silas." I tell him squeezing his hand reassuringly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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