Reader: Human Genre: Smut (No specific parts mentioned/Y/n is on the bottom)
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Y/n yawned, setting aside the newly cleaned plate he just washed onto the disk rack beside him. He had just eaten dinner, what it was, he was not entirely sure of. His mother had made it and left it in the oven before she left for her night shift, leaving behind a note that assured Y/n that she would be home by the morning. Y/n didn't care. He was not twelve anymore, he did not need someone to stay home with him-in fact, he wished, at the age of nineteen, that he could go live out on his own.
He turned around and looked blankly at the clock on the kitchen wall. It was a little past nine, the darkness outside was settling down, and the crickets started to speak loudly outside the window. His head moved back to the window above the sink, hearing the familiar sound of a motorcycle coming up the road to his house. Y/n smirked and quickly went up to his room, grabbing his jacket and slipping on his shoes.
Y/n went back downstairs and to the door, making sure he grabbed his set of keys before he went out and closed it behind him. There was only one motorcycle there in front of him, belonging to David. Y/n smiled and him and went forward, stepping off from his porch.
"Where's your posse?"
Y/n asked, putting an arm over David's shoulder, using the vampire to help himself up onto the bike. David chuckled and looked behind him, his light blue eyes on Y/n as he got himself situated.
"Boardwalk. Getting something to eat."
David answered, his voice sounding mischievous. Y/n nodded, feeling a pinch in his stomach at that. He knew what that meant, it had taken him about a week or so to figure that David and the others were not just joking around when they said things like 'We're immortal, so it'll be fine.' To jumping off a bridge, and 'Wanna drink of blood, Y/n?.'
"You didn't join them?"
Y/n questioned, finding it odd that David, out of them all, would miss a meal. David shook his head, not saying anything as he kicked off the bike and started to leave. Y/n rolled his eyes at the silence and put his hands on David's waist, making sure to hold on tight enough so he didn't fall off. It took forever to get comfortable enough with the idea of putting his hands on another mans waist, but at the same time, Y/n knew if he didn't, he would most likely fall off. That was something he did not want to happen.
The cave was eerie when it was just Y/n and David there. The soft cooing of Marko's pidgins could be heard, and the crackling of the fire was loud enough to make Y/n jump every so often. He shook out the nerves and tried his best to get comfortable. 'I've been here so many times, why does it feel weird now?' he thought to himself, sitting down on an old couch by the unworking water fountain.
Perhaps the feeling of unease was coming from David. Y/n watched him stalk around for a moment, his eyes never leaving Y/n as he came and sat down beside him. David had never been this close before, at least not from his own free will. Y/n smiled a little and looked beside him, trying desperately not to seem like he was nervous for any reason.
David asked, moving his arm, setting it behind Y/n's head. Y/n looked at David's arm for a second then back to him, shaking his head.
"Nothing. Its just weird the others not being here."
Y/n chuckled, finding it funny that he would actually miss their company. David hummed, his smirk never leaving his lips as he slowly leaned in closer. Y/n didn't notice, or at least he tried not to notice the air between them getting tighter.
"Do you miss them, being here?"
David asked, his voice low. Something told Y/n that this wasn't an actual question, more of a 'I didn't ask.' Type of response. David was always full of those type of responses, he never once asked a question that he didn't already have an answer to. Y/n shook his head, shrugging.
"Not really. I don't mind- "
Y/n was cut off. The sudden feeling of a gloved hand on his face and David's own face getting impossibly closer. Y/n looked at David's lips then back to his eyes, noticing that the vampire had done the same.
"I uh,"
Y/n cracked an awkward smile, his hand slowly finding its way to David's leg, needing to hold onto something. David hummed, silently asking him to continue.
"I didn't know you were into guys."
Y/n continued, feeling a bubble of laughter in his chest. David chuckled and leaned closer, his lips ghosting over Y/n's. They felt cold, making Y/n shiver slightly, his fingers tightening into a fist on David's leg. It seemed for a moment like David was waiting for Y/n to move forward, to give in and submit in a way. Y/n might have been awkward and shy around some subjects, but this was not something he hadn't done before, and this moment was something he had thought about a lot.
David finally realized Y/n wasn't going to do it himself; he grinned and pulled Y/ns face closer to his own, their lips touching finally. Y/n closed his eyes and moved his body to the side, trying to get more comfortable and closer. David stopped the kiss, quickly darting his head down to Y/n's neck, pressing hard and sloppy kisses onto Y/n's s/c flesh.
Y/n leaned back, moving his legs to where they wrapped lightly around David. Looking up to the cave ceiling, Y/n let out soft breath like moans as David stayed on one spot, nipping his pointy teeth at the skin. 'This must be why the others aren't here.' Y/n thought. After a little incident with hanging out in the cave and Paul trying to get it on with someone, Y/n assumed that vampires didn't mind extra attention. Maybe David was more 'old fashioned' in a sense.
David placed a gentle kiss to the spot he had been prioritizing before sitting up and looking down at Y/n. Y/n moved his head down, his eyes stuck on David's icy blue ones. The silence was loud, making Y/n almost whimper that nothing was happening.
"Take your clothes off."
David said, already moving to take his jacket off. Y/n blinked a few times before nodding, sitting up and awkwardly trying to shove his own jacket off, the cold breeze coming in and making the human shiver slightly. Before Y/n could even blink, David had already taken his shirt off, now working on his belt that held up his jeans; Y/n tried to hurry, but his nerves made it impossible to not fumble with his own belt.
David's chest wasn't abnormally toned, there were faint guidelines of a six pack, making it clear that he was fit. Y/n had never assumed any different, the only thing he hadn't been expecting was a few light scars across his chest and side. Now wasn't the time to ask, besides, they looked completely healed and, knowing David, they might have been hundreds of years old.
Before long, the two men were naked. Y/n felt embarrassed for a moment, wanting to instinctively cover himself up. The knowledge that one of, or all of the boys might decide to come in without warning crossed Y/n's mind more times than he wanted to admit, and even though there was the slight feeling of excitement over it-embarrassment also crossed his mind.
Luckily embarrassment was thrown out of the window as soon as David's hands were on Y/n's body, caressing his sides and ghosting his touch at Y/n's thighs. Y/n directed one of his hands into David's hair, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling of dried gel between his fingers. David leaned down and kissed Y/n's chest, putting his hands on Y/n's hips and forcefully flipping him over so he laid on his stomach.
Y/n gasped, looking behind him to see a sinister smirk on David's face.
"Aggressive, aren't you?"
"You don't mind, do you?"
David snickered, making Y/n roll his eyes. The h/c man settled his body into a more comfortable position, lifting his head and turning it away from the vampire, setting it down on the sofa. David lifted Y/n's hips and massaged his cheeks with his hands, leaning down, David spread Y/n apart, making Y/n exhale softly, preparing himself for whatever was to come.
David stared at the back of Y/n's head, burning a hole in the h/c man's head. He leaned further down and stuck his tongue out, placing it lightly onto Y/ns hole, making him hum and screw his eyes shut. He hadn't been expecting this sort of attention from David, Y/n honestly assumed that the vampire would go right for it, not wasting any time--Y/n was grateful that David was at least 'prepping' him.
It went away too soon, however. David only took a minute or so to lather up Y/n's hole with his tongue before coming back up and chuckling. Y/n looked behind him, breathing heavily.
"I'll assume you're ready?"
David 'asked' grabbing Y/n's hips, pulling him closer to his own waist. Y/n watched with his eyes half lidded while David stroked himself a few times before putting his tip to Y/n's entrance. David didn't wait long before he tried to push himself in, gritting his teeth at the tight warm feeling that was trying to engulf him. Y/n sucked in a breath, feeling a tear prick the inner corner of his eye from the pressure. Admittedly Y/n hadn't been with someone in around a month, making it feel new.
David hummed, finally pushing in himself all the way, bottoming out. Y/n wanted to whine, feeling the pressure in his stomach start to move when David started thrusting his hips softly. David groaned softly and used his hands to keep a grip on Y/n's hips, moving them the way he enjoyed, simulating more pleasure. Y/n gasped, his knuckles turning white from holding onto the cushion of the couch.
"You like that, huh?"
David cooed, leaning down and hooking his arms under Y/n's arms, lifting him up onto his knees. Y/n huffed, his hands trying to find a comfortable spot to sit.'
"Sh-shut up.
Y/n gasped, leaning his head back on David's shoulder. David grinned and pulled his hips out, leaving only a small part of his erection inside of Y/n before smashing back in, making the human's eyes go wide and his body shake slightly. Y/n groaned quietly, his hands gripping onto the back of David's thigh, making the bleach blonde vampire hiss softly.
David slid his hands down to Y/n's hips once again, his nails digging into Y/n's soft skin, leaving small indents. Y/n moaned and felt himself leaning back down to lay on his cheek, not being supported anymore by David's hands. Y/n bit his lip, humming as David's hips started to trust into him faster and deeper, moving Y/n's body violently.
Sooner rather than later, Y/n started to feel his stomach twist and his erection started to pulse in an uncomfortable manner. Slowly and with shaky fingers, Y/n touched himself softly. David hummed and leaned over Y/n, biting into his shoulder and slowing down his thrusts, focusing more on how deep he was going rather than how fast.
Y/n moaned breathlessly, feeling his end coming quickly. David seemed to know, from the tight to open pulse coming from inside Y/n's body. They both groaned softly as they came, David came inside, pushing his hips closer for a moment before pulling out. Y/n whined and came, grinding his hips back in an attempt to find some sort of action once again.
David lifted up and chuckled, seeing Y/n trying to catch his breath.
"Ready for round two?"
David asked, his smile showing mischief. Y/n looked behind him and furrowed his brows.