*March 23rd 2024, 4:00 PM* the v2'ers: 🎵HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR BOOMER🎵 Willis: *gets mad* the v2'ers: 🎵HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU🎵 Willis: guys, what the fuck did i say about stop calling me a boomer!, it makes me feel old Jacques: uhhh cuz u are *willis looks at the candles that say 48* Willis: well i am 48 but at least im younger than that effect 5 guy from v7 Esteban: but ur older than us Hector: *nods his head in agreement* *polo over PA System*: Guys, i have an announcement to make Everybody from v4, v3, v7, and v2 come outside Hector: *uses sign language to say "lets go outside, polo has an announcement"* *everyone from each V except the v1, v8, v9, v5, v6'ers left their homes as Polo is having an announcement* Incredible Polo: hey guys Im gonna be announcing some new rules to establish here That rule is Everyone here thats 48 and up Has to retire We had a lot of complaints Especially by *points at the v4'ers* you guys That a certain old person from The Love is being Catty Rude And really disruptive And beside that Us devs talked about this The previous rule which is "once ur in a V ur in it for life" thing is kinda messed up So u guys can retire too once u turn 48 Hogan: *realizes who polo is talkin about* *gets mad* Hogan: HOW DARE YOU! Hogan: *about to punch Thomas* Thomas: *punches hogan* oh no you dont! Aiden: we had to Hogan It's for the better! Michael: i hope this younger person that will be Hogan's replacement, the new Effect 5, is nice Mince: fr Tram (effect 5 from Jeevan): fuck I am 54 Im way older than 48 Willis: wait so this means I retire???? Jacques: yup Willis: b-but i just turned 48, its my birthday Jacques: thats life to you boomer Polo: everybody who is older than 48 has to come here *Willis, Tram, and Riggs (effect 1 from v3) and Hogan come to polo,* Polo: its time for you guys, to leave! *the 4 are leaving* *While walking away willis asks* Willis: so... How old are you guys Im 48 years old Hogan: im 49 Willis: Wow Riggs: i am 50 Willis & Hogan: Wow Tram: im 54 Riggs, Hogan & Willis: WOW! Polo: so v4, v3, v2 and v7'ers You guys are gonna get a replacement thats younger than your elder polo Were gonna be doing this every time someone turns 48 or older Including us devs Its gonna be our time to leave soon Were in our 30s Mince: Nooooo We dont wanna lose you polo! Michael: eh, at least its better to us retire than be in a V untill death like it used to be Aiden: thats true Polo: v4'ers here is your new effect 5 Mack Glenn! (NEW CHARACTER!) Name: Mack Age: 25 Gender: Male Sign: Gemini Birthday: June 1st 1999 Position: Effect 5 (v4) Personality: chill, generous, easy to be friends with Appearance:
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(This is my incredibox oc 😅) Other: brothers with Mince, yanny, M.O.G and Randal Mince: OMG Mack its youuu Its been forever! Mack: My brothers! Mack: *gives hugs to Mince, Yanny, and Randal* How yall doin Yanny: amazing Its been a while since we seen you Mack: i know! Michael: welcome to V4 Mack! Mack: thanks man Polo: V3'ers please welcome your replacement effect 1 DAN! (NEW CHARACTER!) Name: Dan Age: 23 Gender: Male Sign: Capricorn Birthday: January 8 2001 Position: Effect 1 (V3) Personality: Neutral, can get bored easily, can also get a bit awkward Appearance: Dan has a Blue Hoodie, Blue hat, similar to beat 1 from v5 and beat 2 from v3 Other: Introverted, Bassist, brothers with Dax Dan: heyyy You guys must be the v3ers? Dave: yes Dax: Dan!!! Welcome to V3 Dan: Dax!!! Big bro how you doin? Dax: pretty damn good Sonso: we are so glad to have you here Daniel Polo: alright v2'ers get ready to meet your new Effect 3 Hunter! (NEW CHARACTER!) Name: Hunter Age: 20 Gender: Male Sign: Aquarius Birthday: February 20 2004 Sexuality: Demiromantic Personality: Bombastic, Rich Appearance: he has a backwards black cap, black & white round sunglasses, and a black & white plaid shirt Other: Brothers with Rainer Polo: *takes off Hunter's hat and puts on the v2 effects hat* Hunter: damn. Taylor: welcome to Little Miss Hun- woah *slips and falls*, im okay! Hunter: *giggles a bit* Rainer: Hunter! My man whats good Hunter: Rainer! Havent seen u in so long Dram (effect 2 from v7): oh no, our brother is gone And we got no more siblings The rest all got siblings as their replacement this is not good Wram: we are gonna get some random guy Kram: NOOOO Aap: cmon guys its not gonna be that bad Polo: v7'ers please welcome, Pavir! A.K.A Vir Aap: OMG! (NEW CHARACTER!) Name: Pavir (AKA Vir) Age: 25 Gender: Male Sign: Pisces Birthday: February 28 1999 Appearance: Red Sunglasses, Red Indian Outfit Country: India Personality: Cool, Famous Musician from India Aap: IT'S VIR! Alejandro: THE #1 MUSICIAN IN INDIA IN THE SPOTIFY CHARTS Perry: meh I aint from india I should be in v8 with my brother Terry Or in v6 with my other brother DJ Shukam: then what are you doin in v7 Perry: i dont know 😨 Pavir: yes yes guys it is me Mince: no fucking way, a famous musician? The V7'ers are lucky Michael: yeah Polo: ok guys those are your replacements You guys can go home now Ill see you guys later Adieu *waves and leaves* Shukam: your always welcome to the v7 pavir Pavir: thank you guys for this really warm welcome *the v4, v2, v3, and v7ers go to their homes* THE END