"Right, I'll see everyone up there, the elevators packed" I whisper to my Right Hand Man as I see the other higher ranking Toppats walk in, almost packed together like sardines. "You sure reg?" he whispers back
"Im sure, I can just get another lift. wont be too long" I say as I walk to another lift. It would be a quick meeting in a very tall building in London, although as i step in i notice, unlike the other elevators, this one doesn't have any windows to look outside (thankfully enough, I wasn't a big fan of heights anyways).
As I press the button for the doors to close, a small feeling of dread, or regret, pools in my stomach as the obnoxious music plays, filling my ears with light, insufferably bland jazz music.
I hold my head and lean against the handrail, my hats tipping forward slightly. This meeting is important to not only me but the rest of my clan, as it'll be deciding trade prices and expanding our idea of an orbital station so we can steal stuff from around the earth after what that escape artist did to the airship and getting back our stolen ruby.
After a long, agonising 5 minutes I finally hear the elevator ding and I look up, straightening my tie, expecting to see my floor but instead? flat grass and an asymmetrical arch looking building built out of bricks and concrete with the sun shining on a flat roof.
I step out onto the grass confused, walking towards the building. I can see a Hollywood-esc sign in the distance that says "Flattywood..." I mumble to myself, wondering where the hell I am when a shotgun blast interrupts my thoughts and I see a peculiar looking... grey person.. jump out and run towards the elevator and step inside.
I blink confused, rooted to my spot, wondering what the fuck just happened.