"If he understands our language, we can talk it over!" Gon grinned looking at it.
"RAT-ROX OF SERIES 2?!" Gon scream bringing the attention of the monster to him and with Gon's speed to bonk him on the head with his sword.
Thankfully Kurapica caught the girl when the monster let go of her with the impact.
"Th-that brat!" the rat-fox growled and started to run away. Gon and I followed while Kurapica stayed to make sure the woman was ok.
We came into a clearing and looked around for the monster when he came closer to us. "You two are fast for being kids...and to hit me like you did." He looked at Gon.
"But...for that...you will pay!!" the thing said lunging at us with its large claws.
Me and Gon stayed put as it inched closer.
"Say...""Who are you?" me and Gon asked making the monster stopped abruptly.
"You are definably not the one that Gon hit." I frowned looking at the forest trying to catch a glimpse of the one we were chasing.
"Yeah" and your voice is more powerful. And shrill right?" said Gon this time.
The rat-fox began to laugh. "Hey! Tochan! Come here! I have something funny to show you!" it said patting my head and Gon's.
Two rat-foxes came out and the woman with the woman and man from the cabin. Leorio and Kurapica came out as well.
"It's been a very long time since we've met anyone who could tell my wife and me apart. It gives me a great pleasure..." one of the said, specifically the male.
The two became our navigators and the man and woman from the cabin turned out to be their children. The four of them took us to Zaban, our next stop and were the exam would take place.
The building was huge....or so I thought, the fox-rat, disguised as a human now, then pointed to a boring looking restaurant.
"...really?" I sweat dropped.
"Yes. No one could imagine that the place where thousands of hunter candidates are assembled is here." The rat-fox answered and took us in. "Hello!!" he said getting in.
"What would you like?" asked the man behind the counter.
"A steak!" "How would you like that cooked?" "Slowly, rare." With that a girl took us to a room in the back.
"1 out of 10,000...It's the proportion of candidates who get this far. You done quite well for new candidates. Have courage my little friend...
... I would be pleased to be your navigator next time as well" said the rat-fox leaving while we took a seat and took the opportunity to eat as we waited.
"He's making fun of us. As if we were sure we wont pass this year!" Leorio scoffed filling his mouth with food.
"One every three years." Kurapika said quietly. "Huh?" Leorio frowned.
"The number of candidates that manage to pass this test on their first try...one every three years." I sighed at Leorio's dumbness.
"But...why are so many people ready to do anything to become hunters?" Gon asked...
"But?! You understand nothing or are you doing it on purpose?" Leorio yelled at Gon.
"To be a hunter it's...the thing that brings the most...the noblest thing in the world!!!" Kurapika said at the same time...to then start to yell at each other both giving reasons to become a hunter and such.
"Enough already!" I snapped making them stop and at the same time we heard a cling sound.
"Seems we arrived." Said Kurapika. "We will finish our discussion latter."Leorio growled making my hand twitch in annoyance.
The door opened and we came out only to see thesea of other candidates waiting for the exams to begin...and there were onlyexperts...what a suprise...
End of chapter 4

HunterXHunter (fanfic) Lost and Found
FanfictionA HunterxHunter fanfic. Ellyn an 11 year old girl takes the exams oping to find answers . Having new friends, enimies and maybe something more...deeper...she follows along waiting to see what happens. She will fight to get to her goals, fulfill prom...