RQ #1 My little flower.

48 1 11

Requester: DangerouslyRain 

Ship: Russia and Germany

~ WARNING: I DID USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE, BECAUSE I AM LAZY AND DON'T WANT TO LEGITLY TRANSLATE :3 (also bad Canadian spelling and grammar all critics welcomed, this is my second time writing and i'm trying smth new style wise. Is it good or is it like shity) Also a lot fo POV shifting :3 I'm still not used to writing stories so yea. ~

~Russia POV~

Opening my eyes slowly, I look over to my alarm clock showing 6:15 AM 15 minutes earlier than normal. Rubbing my eyes I let my mind catch up to my body. As much as I wish to go back to sleep, there is no point my siblings would be up soon to cause a ruckus.Slowly I sit up, stretching the stiffness out of my upper body hearing a satisfying crack. I let myself wake up more until 6:30. A small knock comes to the door asking if I'm awake, I tell her yes as she opens the door. She places a basin of water with a towel in the bathroom, and brings out some clothes.

 "Breakfast has been placed out for your choosing" she says gently I nod and she leaves me to change. Standing, I go to my bathroom. Grabbing my toothbrush I do a quick brush and wash, cleaning my face afterwards. I do a simple slick-back hairstyle. I walk back into the bedroom and I change from my sleep wear to a simple grey turtleneck and some black pants. I walk out of my room and into the hall, heading downstairs and to the dining room I see a spread of different types of food. Probably enough for 30 people, I don't know who the hell would be able to eat all that, even with 16 people. Папа sitting at the table eating his breakfast with a book, a rare visit. Soviet has bags under his eyes, he most likely stayed up late working on documents. He makes and revises plans for the army, he also goes to other places as a diplomat for the king, tsar, emperor, whatever. It's a boring job.

I sat down across from папа, he looks up from his book "доброе утро, сынок." (good morning, son) He has a deep monotone voice with a slight rasp underneath it when he speaks, it can get grating on the ears especially in the morning. I start putting some food onto my plate, and pour myself some coffee.

"Morning, how did you sleep?" Neither of us are big on small talk, there is nothing interesting about the response and it is honestly a waste I don't care about how someone is doing. Besides he will be gone by the next hour, maybe less "I slept as well as I could" He responds, things go quiet for a bit as we eat. My mind starts to wander, there's really nothing interesting to do. Right as i'm finishing my breakfast "сынок" "что?" (what) He stood up and fixed his tie. "Have a nice day." He walks away towards the foyer, папа puts his boots on and leaves.

Once he leaves, I hear noise behind me. Ukraine is grabbing a plate of food and going back upstairs. Ukraine, my least favorite sibling, he is such a try-hard. Ukraine and Belarus are the closest to my age so they take over when I go out. Soon I hear the footsteps of the rest coming down the stairs at different paces. They all go and grab their food and sit at the table.

"Good morning brother." I hear Belarus say, she has her hair tied up in a braid with a green ribbon, I don't understand why she likes ribbons so much. "Morning." No matter how much I like my siblings, well most of them, I don't want to talk to them today. I'm planning on getting away from them and, well, everything for a while, forever who knows.

Everyone goes off to do their own thing after breakfast, nothing that interests me. I head back to my room and turn on the radio as the morning broadcast starts "Hello people of Valsin, This is a lovely Thursday morning...'' The voice fades out as I go deeper into my head. It's always the same, the same broadcast, everyday. Nothing of interest happens here, it's pathetic.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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