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Faz-Fuck🖕🏿: Chat, what do I do. My mom just found out I stole 50 bucks from her wallet and I spent it on a remote controlled car

BabyStan🍦: dude wtf.

Pretty boy🌟: tell her somebody robbed you while happily carrying the 50 bucks to the nearest toy store. Grab some purple lipstick or whatever and smear it onto your eye. Make it look believable.

BritishMan🇬🇧: 'Ow d'you know so much 'bout robbery, then?

PrettyBoy🌟: let's just say I'm experienced.

GoldenGoldie👑: how do you understand his heavy ass British accent, dude. Like, the only words I was able to make out was robbery, know, so, much, and then. And his grammar just fucking sucks.

BritishMan🇬🇧: Oi, I was bred and born in me home town London, ya fucking twits.

Faz-Fuck🖕🏿: shut the fuck up British prick. I need help from the experienced robber.

PrettyBoy🌟: don't be so goddamn mean you cunt.

BabyStan🍦: what's a cunt.

BassGuitar🎸: a cunt is slang for a female genitalia. It's often used as vulgar language to ridicule someone.

BabyStan🍦: thanks.

BassGuitar🎸: no problem. I copied it off of Google.

Faz-Fuck🖕🏿: guys she just hit me lol. Didn't even hurt but I have to hand my phone over to her. She reads this groupchat and we're going straight to jail my guys.

PrettyBoy🌟: but we haven't done anything wrong?

Faz-Fuck🖕🏿: yes you have you retards.

PrettyBoy🌟: like what smartass.

Faz-Fuck🖕🏿: 1. You have sex 2. You're underage 3. You sent us porn one time, remember? Or do I have to send it to you?

PrettyBoy🌟: why'd you save it.

Faz-Fuck🖕🏿: reasons..

BabyStan🍦: I'm uncomfortable..

This one is terribly short. Mainly because I ran out of ideas. Toodles.

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