Ch 14

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Today, Rong Yi's performance surprised everyone. During halftime, even those who had never seen him couldn't help but take a second look.

Rong Yi had his eyes half-closed, tilted his head slightly, and his fingertips rested on his lips as he contemplated the next round's BP (ban-pick, a game mode in esports).

People around him relaxed and walked around, chatting and pouring water, but Rong Yi was not disturbed at all. He remained in his zone on the field.

The CH team requested an extended break and substitutions, and the referees called the team managers together to confirm the situation.

Xiao Yin (a player) and Lu Feng (a substitute player) met each other.

Lu Feng nodded and smiled at him, "Long time no see, Brother Yin. Let our substitute player have a chance to train with a world champion."

Xiao Yin replied, "Sure, our lineup remains unchanged."

Lu Feng chuckled and playfully punched him, "Although you guys are really strong, that's a bit arrogant to say!"

Both of them laughed.

Lu Feng was also a veteran player in the league, and he had a good relationship with Xiao Yin. When Xiao Yin was still in China's youth training, everyone wanted to team up with him. Xiao Yin's calm personality and peak skills made him the idol of half the league, and Lu Feng was one of them.

However, Xiao Yin has good social skills and connections, but he is not good at managing them. Perhaps too many people have come and gone around him, making it difficult to distinguish between truth and falsehood. But his friend with pure technical skills, Lu Feng, has always been with Xiao Yin and even invites him to play a couple of games during the Chinese New Year.

As the two of them chatted, a league staff member came to find Xiao Yin to confirm some details. Xiao Yin's voice was low, but Lu Feng could hear him clearly: "Yes, we do not accept offline interviews, and no one except the referees is allowed in the game room."

He stood there with a chilling aura, making people reluctant to disobey him.

Lu Feng glanced at the VIT team outside the game room. They were a group of children who didn't look serious. Ci She was doing stretching exercises with Hui Mao and the most steady-looking Wu Dao Gu was balancing two empty paper cups on the back of his hand.

Only one slim figure was still sitting in the gaming chair, with very white skin that was so pale it was slightly red around the joints.

"He still doesn't want to face the camera?"

Lu Feng knew about Rong Yi.

It can be said that every player who aims for the command position knows about Rong Yi, but within five years, although they are all in the same industry, they have almost no chance to deal with him.

The only way to understand him is through rumors.

The legend of leading two championship teams in five years, and then being abandoned by his team members.

"If he likes it, let him be."

Xiao Yin casually replied, as if he didn't think this matter was worth discussing separately.

Suddenly, Lu Feng became interested and looked up, his gaze slightly upward as he pondered, "But speaking of which... Have you played together before?"

Xiao Yin's gaze crossed the booth and lingered on that thin, white figure.


"When I met him, he was still in the youth training camp, and he was already the captain of the first world championship team."

Young and full of spirit.

The old RS team members went on stage to receive their awards, while he accepted everyone's congratulations and hugs backstage, his gentle peach blossom eyes full of a smile and a sharp edge.

Many people later liked the other members of the RS team, saying that the team was wolf-like and domineering, Xiao Yun was cute, and so on. However, over the years, Xiao Yin, as a youth training member of an opposing team, stood below the stage and always watched the figure who never went out of the training room.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was surging, and major video accounts had already started to post.

The first training match of the autumn season had generated such high heat, and it was indeed the first time in recent years.

This kind of heat had been accumulating since the VIT team announced their starting lineup last night, and it was completely ignited in the first half of the game that just ended.

Someone had already posted a video of six of Rong Yi's extreme knife dodging moves during the first match on the internet.

The caption read: [RS mid laner debut!]

"RS New Mid Laner?"

"RS Captain terminates contract and transfers to VIT as mid laner! Who could have imagined he is Easy! Is it really the same person??? "

"Is this the RS Support player who always makes game-deciding plays?"

RS team fans remained silent, and they fell into collective silence.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the sea in city A, the weather was not good.

RS had already resumed training, but the rainy season at the end of summer made the already humid air feel even more sticky and depressing. The afternoon was the quietest time, and the silence after the afternoon nap had not yet passed.

Lang Bai glanced at the message and clicked his tongue. He didn't say what happened, but his teammate Xiao Yun suddenly said from the other end, "Captain went to VIT, Xiao Yin's team, which was announced last night. Have you all seen it?"

"No, we haven't seen it."


The atmosphere in the training room remained dull.

It was normal not to have seen it, as RS's training schedule was very busy, and when they were on duty, the players were basically oblivious to outside events.

But to say that they completely didn't know was still debatable, as they don't use phones during the day, and this news is now circulating frantically in the circle.

"Is this the newly joined collaboration? Easy and Yin play so well together, like real brothers."

"And it's only been a few days, going straight from support to mid laner, and the official announcement has them in the top spot. VIT really gives them face."

"I didn't know Easy's mid lane was so fierce! This is the first time I've seen it!"

Someone turned up the volume, and the commentator's voice echoed throughout the venue. The match has reached the second half of the BO3.

"In the last game, the MVP goes to VIT's Li! That's our familiar Easy!"

"People say that the playstyle of the NA academy is fierce, and VIT does have some of that flavor. This time, Li directly takes the first blood..."

They have already won the first game, and the opposing team has switched to their substitute for the second game, which has created more openings to exploit.

Although it is a training match, both sides are playing quite seriously and cautiously. They are also deliberately prolonging the game to let both sides familiarize themselves with the various situations that may occur during the game.

In the end, both sides had few kills, and VIT easily won the final victory.

The game ended, and both teams welcomed the end in a friendly atmosphere.

After the game, Rong Yi stood up and returned to the rest area to pour himself a glass of water.

This was his habit. In the past, when he was still in RS, he would usually wait alone until the post-game process was over.

He couldn't face the camera, but it was good for his teammates to appear on camera. It was beneficial for their future development and commercial activities.

There was nothing to blame, and Rong Yi knew that because of his habit, RS always lacked one person during major events, which was not entirely fair to his teammates.

He took a glass of water and sat down. He was about to review the game alone when the door to the rest area was pushed open boisterously.

Ci She burst into the room, a teenage boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, still excitedly discussing the splendid moves they made with the Hui Mao. "I shouldn't have walked! If I had been there, we could have turned the tables with a jungle double kill!"

"Wu Dao Gu also followed behind, holding onto Lu Feng to learn more about the domestic jungle strategies."

Rong Yi heard the voices and turned his chair around, seeing the group of people not going for a photo, but running straight over. Hui Mao shouted, "Hey! Hey! If you want to enter our captain's lounge, hand over your phones! Yes! Scan them with the scanner! We have a lot of confidential information over here!"

People were stopped outside, and Rong Yi didn't know what was going on. Soon after, he saw Xiao Yin with a CH team member appear at the door.

Xiao Yin ignored Hui Mao's antics, and the polite team member was actually embarrassed and didn't dare to take a step further into the room.

"What's going on?" Rong Yi sensed that this situation was aimed at him.

Xiao Yin casually put his hands in his pockets and said, "There's a CH kid who wants your autograph, can he come in?"

Rong Yi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded and agreed, "Sure, please come in."

Contrary to his lack of popularity in the public eye, Rong Yi's popularity among professional players was quite high, partly due to his mystery, but mostly due to his skill.

When he was in RS, he was the dream assistant of countless C-positions.

There are thousands of Cs who want to add his contact information.

Rong Yi is used to this situation. Some children from the youth training camp will also come to his for autographs.

Seeing his nodding, the Hui Mao carefully let the person in and even confiscated the phone.

The young man who came was CH's substitute wing, Silver Wing. He looked very young and immature, probably just turning 18.

Silver Wing approached cautiously, looked around the crowd, and finally looked at Rong Yi. In just that moment, his face quickly turned red and turned into a small tomato in a few seconds.

"Can I go out and post a moment?" Silver Wing asked.

"Yes, you can," Rong Yi replied.

After signing his name, Rong Yi smiled at him with his eyes bent, and the little assistant immediately bowed to him, then nervously walked out, trembling with every step.

Xiao Yin stood aside, crossed his arms and watched, and took the person back to the CH side after signing.

The little assistant was shy and dared not speak to Rong Yi. Instead, he dared to say to Xiao Yin, "I didn't even know that Brother E was so handsome even in my dreams."

It doesn't seem like a conversation, just a reflection.

The little assistant left as if sleepwalking and returned to the rest area. In a daze, he took out his phone and tremblingly posted a Weibo, attaching a photo of Easy's signature.

The characters in the signature written by Rong Yi were steady and powerful, and the words "Rong Yi Easy" were written in a lively and vigorous manner.

@CH.YinYi: "I got the signature of the world's most handsome person!! Success in being a fan!"

CH is also a big team in China with many fans, so the post quickly gained attention.

Soon, the audience following the league witnessed a wonder.

Many assistant players in the league came to check in. Those little assistants who usually kept a low profile suddenly emerged.

There were even a few ADCs with ulterior motives mixed in.

"I'm knocking!! Make a copy for me!!"

"I'm knocking? Did you really see Easy in person?"

"I'm not jealous at all, really. When will I be able to meet a world-class assistant like Rong Yi and his team?"

"How good-looking is he? I've never seen him before! Even when we have live matches, it's hard to catch a glimpse of him since Captain Rong is so low-key and doesn't appear on camera."

Silver Wing retweeted this message and repeated in a dreamy tone, "The world's most handsome."

The retweet soon garnered thousands of likes.

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