Chapter 3

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Capítulo 3

-What the fuck is happening here, Lily? - my father looks really upset and confused

I stay in silence, and look to Oliver, I can’t judge my father, really looks like something else is happening here... I feel that I am going to die, if we keep this awkward silence, suddenly breathing starts to get harder and harder, my vision darkens, and the last thing I feel is the floor, where I fall.

Some hours later...

I wake up at my bed, I look around, I’m alone in the room, my alarm clock is 9 am, so my father and my brother must have already left the house, I get up from bed, I go to the kitchen looking for any food, in the table there is a carton of milk, a box of cereal, and one apple, in the cereal box there is a note glued in the outside, it says ´´ Lily... I know how shaken you must be, but we’ll talk later, we can clarify everything, I notified school that you would skip class, so don’t worry, with love papa´´ wow, this don’t look like something my father would write, but to be honest I don’t even know, how he would write, I don’t really know a lot about my father personality, we’re not really close, and he even close himself more, my father has a lot of problems even those he is better now than he was when mama was alive, I still kinda shocked about anything that happened, I didn’t expected that Oliver would be so irresponsible, I told to him to not come, but he disobeyed me, and came... probably I’m gonna get in real troubles with my dad...

I never told dad about relatioships, or even boys, this is the kind of thing that father never aproved, he was always clear about his opinion, he would no let me date till my 18, and he would let only, if this person were from church, from good family and if he asked his permission and obviously if the guy had real intentions with me... and okay Oliver kinda suits those ´´rules´´ he is from a traditional and rich family, he is from crurch but we were dating secretly so my dad will never trust him... I don’t have nothing to do, no homework, no sports, and to fuck everything I can’t find my books, I decide to watch any movie, just to pass some time... 


I ended up watching three movies, for lunch I just made a sandwich because cooking is not one of my habilities, I hear Logan opening the door, he gets closer to me and sit by my side in the couch.

-I told you Lily... that he was bad for you... imagine what could he do with you, if dad and I didn’t hear your screams? But don’t worry sis... I gave him a lesson today after class... that’s why it took me a while to get home.

-I told him to not come, but he didn’t heard me, what lesson you tought him today?- I am happy that Logan did something but... my brother is strong as hell... I also have fear of what lesson did he taught Oliver.

-Nothing serious sis... you will see when you got back to school

Logan refuses to tell me any more information... 

Sorry for the small chapter  :( but I’m not really having a lot of time those days... sorry for any language error, of any tipe, english is not my first language so I’m doing my best...

Thank u for reading and have a cookie🍪

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