Part 2 : The spark between us

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We managed to grab a bit of sleep, but it felt like mere moments before my phone shattered the quiet with its shrill ringtone.

"Who could be calling at this hour?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes as I reached for the phone.

"Your mom, probably wondering if we're still alive," Jo quipped, his voice thick with sleep.

I chuckled as I glanced at the caller ID. "You're not far off. It's Mom."

We talk a little, she said she was looking at the whole show and saw us. As I finished my conversation with my mom, Jo was already glaring at me, pretending to be upset.

"Did I disturb your beauty sleep, Prince Charming?"

He feigned annoyance. "You know I need my beauty rest. How else will I maintain this dashing appearance?"

I rolled my eyes, playfully shoving him. "You're incorrigible."

"Your mom said hi?" Jo's tone softened, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Yeah, she's proud of us," I replied, a smile tugging at my lips.

Jo's expression softened into a grin. "Well, if your mom's proud, we must be doing something right."

We quickly dressed, with Jo teasing me about my perpetual lateness as usual. I had a beautiful black dress, and he had a classy blue suit. We hope in the car that was waiting for us.

 We hope in the car that was waiting for us

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"Next time, let's set an alarm, huh? I'm getting too old for this fashionably late nonsense

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"Next time, let's set an alarm, huh? I'm getting too old for this fashionably late nonsense."

I laughed. "Sure, because punctuality is definitely your strong suit. I already see that coming."

The car ride was filled with comfortable silence, broken only by Jo's occasional remarks about the city. We arrive in no time at our destination. Jo steps out of the car first and the flashes started when he opens the door. He then walks to my side and open the door for me, I smile, and I put my arm under his to walk to the entrance. We posed for photos, Jo effortlessly charming the photographers while I tried not to look too awkward. I tried my best because I don't feel comfortable in that moments. After that, Jo joins me, and they take picture of the two of us.

A spark with Elizabeth OlsenWhere stories live. Discover now