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Eli King

I knew she was upto no good ever since that day.
Always causing mayhem,
Always looking for trouble,
Always doing mischief behind everyone's back.
She started being more rebellious.
But that was the leeway everyone is allowed in their lives.
Whats the fun in being controlled if you don't know the violence u are capable of.

But now its different.
Way too different.
She's upto something big,
I can see it in her eyes.
I can see through it,
She is too far gone now.
And i am gonna find out,
I am really gonna find out what she's been up to.
And when i do she will realize she shouldn't have challenged the fire.
She rebelled looking for small battles just to satiate her hunger for violence, I'll give her a fucking war.

Ava Queens Nash

I learned the meaning of that word when i was nearly 10 years old. But i learned it the hard way from a certain someone and i am still paying its price all because of that certain someone. Well, I am also paying for being rebellion in situations i shouldn't be. But me, of all people should know this very well that its pointless to ponder on the past.

Drastic measures, that's right. I had to take drastic measures for the clusterfuck i got myself into from the past 1 and a half year, and one of those drastic measures consist of keeping my clusterfuck a secret... from everyone. And all this because i refused to be shattered, all this because i wanted to prove something to a certain someone. Now look where that got me into.

My phone buzzed as i held it out and looked at the 3 new messages in my notification. 2 of them are from my childhood friends and one from the clusterfuck that i got myself into. I clicked on that message which said "are you sure you are going to be there this year as well?"

I quickly replied back with "You can bet your entire fortune i will. Didn't i tell you, in this house we love violence" without thinking twice because i know i just know if i let myself think about it again this year it will just be like banging my head on a wall again and again and still not changing my mind.

A certain someone once told me, "There is no such thing as destiny. Destiny is a word invented by those losers who just want to have stupid excuses to wait for things to happen on their own instead of making them happen themselves.

"Fortune favours the bold. It favours the kind of individual who get everything they ever want while flipping off the middle finger to the entire world. Those individuals who weren't afraid to speak their minds out in the room where their opinion differs from everyone else's. The kind of individuals who has no ounce of hesitation about expressing their opinions-no matter how depraved and frowned upon those opinions are-and thrust open every door of opportunity in the name of ambition and then strive" that's what he said

I never felt bold during my childhood days, atleast not until i was 10, not until that one incident that changed my life forever, made me who i am and brought me where i am today.

My mother, Sliver Queens Nash is a very powerful and opinionated woman and most days I am exceptionally proud of being my mother's daughter, but that one day, that one specific day i hated being who i was, what i was and how i was. That day was when my life took a drastic turn. For the better or for the worse is a question i am still looking an answer for.

From that day I started playing the cards I've never dealt with before. But i liked that, playing with those cards i mean. I like the danger, the madness, the fear of the unknown, the darkness in me that this clusterfuck brings me. Because sometimes.. just sometimes i wonder maybe i was always like this, this as in what i am today. Maybe i just needed someone to push me towards that side of me, or show me that what i think, what i feel, what i do when no else is around is not abnormal. Maybe me, a girl loving violence is not abnormal.

And a certain someone once told me "secrets are supposed to stay hidden and only between two people."
And thats why i continued my "normal" life from the outside from the past one and a half years and kept my "dark abnormal" side in shadows beacuse that's supposed to be a secret, right?

So i guess i have a secret or maybe a few, but those secrets are so fucked up and out of hands that my friends will hate me if they ever come to know about it. Secrets are supposed to be between 2 people only. Up until now it was only between me and my clusterfuck i was involved in but now i think my certain someone knows about it too and I've to stop him before its too late.!


Greetings everyone!!!!

This has taken guts, lots and lots of it.

☆ I am over the moon that you (yes you, the person reading this) showed your interest in my ff.. if you wouldn't be interested you wouldn't be here.. right? Right? You are welcome to this ff that might help you to get what you were actually looking for.

☆I know this Prologue might be boring or confusing to some but trust me, y'all have literally NO IDEA what i have planned for this book. Few more chapters in and y'all are gonna be so engrossed in it. This book will be nothing what y'all THOUGHT God of War will be. But you guys will love it regardless.

☆ But before we sin, lets get few things clear between us, shall we?

☆English is NOT my first language, so either deal with it or leave. Pay attention more to the plot and not to my writing style.

☆ I love Dramione ffs and writing mostly Mafia/dark romances... my another wattpad account from when i was 13 have 5.4k followers with lots and lots of ffs and mafia romance (its filled with cringe shits so ofc i wont be giving away the wattpad id in which there are my "13 year old version mafia books.")

☆ I "might" big emphasis on the word might give away my id if i ever got the confidence to show people the cringe shit i wrote when i was 12 (which is never)

☆ This is just a fanfic i am writing because of the EliAva theories I've had from the last 4 years and after watching rina's latest q&a i don't think my theories will take place in her original God of War, but i wanted my theories to be true so bad that now i have taken matters into my own hands. Yk what they say that fanfics are the perfect examples of "if you want something to be done properly the way you want it then do it yourself"

☆I have said this before in my author's note as well and i want to say this again that this is just a fanfic so until and unless its a dick, don't take it so hard.

☆ I am not that amazing or professional at writing but i have been writing (cringe) wattpad books ever since i was 12 so i know how this works and i do not support plagiarism of my story/plot in any form. The characters completely belongs to rina and rina only but the story is mine. Plagiarism is good when you have to write an essay for your assignment but when talking about someone's writing, ITS NOT COOL. (fyi even during school and uni I never suported that shit, I was english/literature smart😉)

☆Make sure you are mentally 18+ when reading my book. You are not Dora the Explorer who came here for casual reading just to explore. I am telling you this is an adult fiction in the dark romance genre, know beforehand what you signed for, you'll get what you asked so if i see anyone's ass out there saying things like ohhh too dark or kink shaming or bashing traumatic scenes i will not hesitate to delete your comment and block you.

☆ Its prohibited to be disrespectful towards any caste, religion or race. So i recommend you all to choose your words very carefully before you comment anything nasty because that 3AM stamina where y'all say whatever y'all want will definitely get you in trouble.

So enough with the preaching for today, les unleash our souls to feel this fire. Get ready for sin, Lets GO!!!


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