Just in case you guys have no idea who Samuel Xavier is, check out the video on the right :)
Enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment!
Might be uploading a new cover soon.
“This isn’t possible…”My voice came out in a barely audible whisper making Nate throw a worrisome look at me.
“Ella…” Lucas, no I mean Luke, no wait. Lucas. AH! Whatever! You get who I mean. He called me again and had taken long strides up to my bed side.
He extended his hand, reaching for my wrists. I was about to say something when I felt his hands on mine and the whole world faded into the background. The electrical sensation tingling in my skin were driving me crazy with too many incomprehensible feelings. It was like a high voltage shockwave that clearly toasted my fuse.
I gasped in surprised and retracted my hand far too quickly which made me look up into his eyes again only to see a total unreadable mask on his face. Not before seeing what looked like a flash of hurt on his face.
“So… you do remember me?” Lucas said it more like a statement than an answer. I only realised that when he looked at me, expecting an answer of sorts.
“What? Of course I remember you! You’re the freak that put this creepy necklace on me in that restaurant which gave me a very major headache!” I spat in his face. Although I was trying to sound cynical, he didn’t look the least bit amused.
“You know what I mean Ella. You should have gotten your memories back by now. Stop pretending,” Lucas added as he searched my eyes as if probing me to really speak the truth. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
“Fine! I just woke up from a really weird dream so excuse me if I’m a little grumpy today!” But that really was the truth though. There is no way my dream made any sense. They never did.
Lucas chuckled at my outburst. Was what I said even funny? Wow, this guy might be more crazy than I am.
“You still don’t understand, that’s not a dream Ella. It’s real. Well, I mean it was real,” Lucas said making me look at him as if he had lost his mind. Yup, he’s definitely more psycho than me.
“Wait a minute here. Are you suggesting that the crazy dream I had a moment ago was or had been real?! Hahahaha! I love your sense of humour! Nice one! I thought you were clearly joking back then in the restaurant but it looks like you really need to have your head checked out.”
“We’re not joking Ella,” Nate cut me off sharply. I was laughing so much that I almost forgot that he was by my side too.
“Sure you are! You don’t even know what you’re talking about much less know what I actually dreamt earlier on…”
“You dreamt about us,” Lucas interrupted. I turned to him, a little taken aback.
“Lucky guess,” I mumbled under my breath making Lucas grin with satisfaction.
“Nate was in the dream too but you dreamt more about me to be specific,” Lucas added smugly. Oh how I wish to wipe that look off his face if it weren’t for me blushing so furiously. I don’t even know whether it was out of anger or embarrassment.
“Lucky guess. Again.”
“Oh! And might I add we really did have a great deal of a time in bed. Until your annoying brother interrupted us that is…”
Now this truly shocked me. Lucas’s guess are far too accurate to just be another lucky guess.
“You two what?!” Nate suddenly exploded beside me, rising from his chair all the while staring daggers at Lucas and then at me.
“Oh relax would you! It’s not what you think. And seriously, how could you know that?” I asked astoundingly.
“I read your mind,” Lucas said with a shrug.
“Err… Yeah… You did. I don’t believe you.” Lucas sighed looking clearly tired from having to argue with me.
“You hate guys, except certain ones that you’re close with like Nate. You avoid them at all costs. Your favourite pet, a terrier named Chocolate died when you were 12. You still sleep with the night light on. Your favourite food is pasta. And you’re currently wearing pink underwear, also you accidentally broke Nate’s favourite Gundam model 2 months ago and you secretly…”
“ All right! Stop! I belive you!” I shouted shoving a hand up his face to clamp his yapping mouth. Good lord, this guys is serious! How the heck would he know about all that? Especially the fact over Nate’s broken Gundam toy! I mean, he never did notice that I got another fake one to replace it. How else would I find an original, authentic, limited-attention Gundam for him. I’m so dead after this…
A few seconds passed for me to collect my scattered thoughts and I wasn’t conscious of the palm of my hand having direct physical contact with Lucas’s lips until I heard him let out an uncomfortable cough. Only then did I finally removed my hand.
“Oh. Sorry..” I apologised sheepishly hiding my hand behind my back, ashamed of my action.
Feeling squirmish under his heated gaze, I spoke to change the topic,” Fine. If my dreams really were true, that would actually make me..”
“A princess,” Nate finished for me.
“Right and you’re supposed to be my brother, the prince of a kingdom long ago called Caspia. But how does any of this make sense anyway? I mean a princess?! Haha! I’m plain broke for all I know if not scraping through life as it is if I were to be totally stranded without help from you. And what will this make us? 300 years old or something?! That’s just crazy!”
Nate took a deep breath as his fingers massaged his temples before finally asking me, “Do you believe in magic, Ella?”
“Well then, let’s say you do. Here’s what happened. 300 or so years ago, there’s a kingdom now unknown to mankind called Caspia. It was governed under a monarch headed by Prince Nathaniel De Leon and his sister, Princess Gabriella Bello De Leon after the death of their parents. Magic was a sacred culture practiced in the land back then especially since members of royalty were believed to be gifted with supernatural powers. Princess Gabriella, however was special. She had the most spectacular gift that many deemed as a gift from God himself…” Nate paused for awhile catching his breath before continuing.
“She had the gift of life. She can heal with a touch of her hands and could channel energy from the live earth to her convenience making her a very revered ruler. However, her gift was as much a curse as it was a gift. She fell in love with her knight and had a magnificent rule over Caspia until one tragic day when Caspia’s enemies seized the castle and she died. But not before sacrificing her life for her loved ones so that they may live for all eternity just like she intended to with them. However, because her death was an unnatural one by supernatural means, it is said she will be reincarnated in her next life… and by the time of her 17th birthday, destiny shall repeat itself.”
“And let me guess… You think I’m Princess Gabriella’s reincarnation?” Oh great and if I were to guess Nate Conner really is Nathaniel and Lucas Knight, Luke Von Escolta a.k.a. Princes Gabriella’s knight. What appropriate irony!
Nate nodded and I felt the whole world crashing onto me again.
“Nate, but I don’t understand. If all of this is true.. why don’t I remember much of them… I only remember fuzzy bits and pieces and they don’t look convincing enough for me,” I asked quizzically.
“All your memories are sealed here, in this pendant,” Lucas said as he reached for the necklace dangling around my neck.
“They’ll come back, but in slow steady pieces. You can’t absorb all of it at once, unless you want to die again…” Lucas explained.
“You might get another splitting headache the next time a memory comes back to you, but Lucas will be here to help you. His specialty is mind control after all,” Nate added making me glance at Lucas once again.
“Just so you know, I hate people peeking into my thoughts and messing with my head.”
“I won’t do it unless you want me to. Just now was necessary. No offense,” Lucas replied and smiled. His blond hair complimented him perfectly in the afternoon sunlight that filtered through the windows, making him glow like an avenging angel. I had to hold my breath at his sudden close proximity all of a sudden, the weird butterfly feeling rushing back to me.
“N..None taken,” I replied. God, all of this is just too much.
“Where am I anyway? Where is this place?,” I asked, steering away from the subject at hand once again.
“My place. I told Nate that I’d take care of you but obviously he didn’t believe me and came rushing over not long after I left the restaurant,” Lucas said as he rolled his eyes at Nate.
“Obviously!” Nate exclaimed throwing him a “What the hell?!” look. Typical Nate.
“Whatever. Nate. Your car keys please,” I said extending the palm of my hand to him. He dropped the keys into them after searching his pocket for awhile.
“Here. What do you want with them though?”
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m late for work. And I’m heading there right now and if any of you try to stop me, I’ll try whatever this magic mojo you claim Princess Gabriella had and see how much we really do have in common. Don’t even think of following me, do you two understand?! I need some time alone to absorb all of this,” I was rambling like a maniac again as I climbed out of the lush comforters as I headed for the door. After I climbed out of bed then I realised I was still in last night’s attire. No matter, I work at a club anyways. I closed the door behind me not even throwing a second glance back at the boys.
I ran down the massive stairs as fast as I could before any of them could catch up to me. Nate’s red Ferrari was spotted easily enough as it was parked right outside the grand entrance of what seems to be Lucas’s massive apartment. Why are the boys around me always this filthy rich?! This is just not fair.
I jammed my foot onto the accelerator the moment the car revved to life, letting the tyres burn against the tracks as I raced out of the cacophony of a mess I’ve gotten myself into.
Princess, princes, magic and reincarnations. So, what else is new in my life? However much I wish for a normal life, it’s never going to happen, isn’t it?
I was almost out of Lucas’s real estate but not before I glanced up at him and saw him staring down at me from the balcony. His piercing eyes bored into mine and I felt as though he could see right through me, into the deep disturbing depths of my soul. And as I searched his eyes once again, I couldn’t see anything else more than his crestfallen countenance.
Just who exactly is Lucas Knight?