14~ red velvet

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(francis pov)

"turn off the damn alarm" thats all i heard next to me i didnt hear the alarm until she woke me up. and shes not happy about how i didnt wake up to it. so when i did it had been running for 10 minutes meaning i had to leave in 20.

i got ready and got dressed. 5:15, leave at 5:30 get to work for 5:45. it was a rushed process and shes dead asleep again. and right as i opened the door there was a meow. "fucking cat" i spoke out an went to feed her. "be safe bye" was all i heard from the bedroom.

"always, bye" i spoke back basically running down the flight of stairs. im buying that cat a damn pet feeder, getting tired of feeding her every morning and night. but fuck if im late its my ass on the line isnt it? i would have to stay later. but since samuel is still in the hospital im scott clean for a silent ride today.

its better that way, no one to insult me or y/n. perfect day.

(your pov)

i set the alarm to 9 after he left. and then it went off and i had to get to work. putting the house together and moving things around. i put the mattress on the bed frame. my mother was set to drop off more stuff for me to build. she said i should have a bookshelf, and a end table or 2.

neither i, nor francis have a end table. and why she sent me a letter rather then a call is beyond me. so i had her run everything up with my father in toe. "you werent lying, its a very nice place" she spoke up it made up well for the price.

in the end i had my father to help me build everything while my mother cooked lunch. "how did our daughter end up more manly then our son?" my father asked my mother. "john, why would i know that, just appreciate the kids you have" my mother followed suit.

"linda" my father spoke out once more. "linda?" he spoke once more. "WHAT JOHN I AM COOKING, WHAT IS SO IMPORTANT" and now shes yelling. and with a knock on the door my mother opened it. "your being loud" its fucking mia.

"and your complaining?" my mother questioned. "yes, im trying to work" she spoke once more. "oh im sorry, truly. but you can shove your complaint up your a.." my father had covered her mouth. "i apologize for my wife truly. we will try and keep the noise down" hes sucking ass. "now i see where y/n gets it from. now francis manages to deal with her is beyond me" mia spoke walking away.

"tell me more about this boy" my mother asked. "hes sweet, hes nice, we have been dating for 2 days now, he has a car, he just got promoted" i spoke. "Dating?" my father asked. "yes sir" i followed suit.

my mother was smiling. "you hear that john, shes not lonley anymore" my mother was about to cry. "its a boy linda" there was going to be something witty after but thats not how it goes in this family. "ill show you a little boy when i rip your testicles out of the sac" i was laughing my father was apologizing and my mother was still mad.

we were still building and placing things around.

(francis pov)

"are you sure your not the one beating samuel? your knuckles tell another story francis" i looked over to my partner who was eating a donut while driving the truck. "im sure" i answered. "ive wanted to punch him for awhile, he started hitting on my wife, that seems to be a reoccurring fact is that he likes taken women." it would make sense on why he tried so hard.

"anyway, i was talking to the boss about it being a whole take your partner to work, he said he would think about it. i wanted to show my women what i do" he followed up. "i think mine has better things to do then ride around in a giant truck full of milk" i answered.

"its good for them to get out the house, mine is stuck with the kids most of the time im at work. either one is sick or one is hurt. never a chance all 4 of them go to school at the same time" he laughed. "you have kids?" i questioned. "yeah, the oldest is Micheal, hes 12, the middle children are the twins. kelsy and kaleb. and the fourth is named hope. she was our hope in life when she came along" he spoke.

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