As Gus walked into the meeting room, he couldn't help but wonder what's going on, especially since he too was included. It's not like the other Stegosorcerers disliked him, but they didn't exactly see him as one of them. They saw his apprentice as more of a Stegosorcerer than he'd ever be. Gus took his seat next to Chicken Nuggets and Boris.
"Good, now that everyone is here, we can officially start the meeting!" said Cardboard. "In case you didn't know, the meteor overlord, Jasper, has begun attacking once more." A few Stegosorcerers gasped (a few meaning Boris and Nuggets). "As we all know, we are the Stegosorcerers, the defenders of this world," Cardboard continued, "We must fight! Everyone have their stegostaff?" Everyone agreed. Well, almost everyone.
"Uh, Cardboard, I think you're forgetting something," Gus said a little awkwardly." Cardboard looked at him confused. "I... uh I burned mine..."
"Oh fuck! I did forget!" Cardboard thought for a moment. "Just get Socks. He can come!" Gus was disappointed. Of course he understood why Socks was needed, but it was kind of insulting that his own apprentice got to go while he didn't.
I mean like come on, man! I burn my stegostaff one time... well actually two... or three.... Fine. Four times. Anyways, jeez.
Nuggets saw a look of disappointment, maybe even a little jealousy, on Gus' face. Poor Gus.... I feel bad... what if-
Her train of thought was cut off by Socks. "'Ey! I'm here!" She looked over at him. "What's got you in a sour mood?" he asked her.
"Well, we were going on a mission, but Gus can't come..."
"Oh. 'Cause of his stegostaff?" Nuggets nodded. "Oh," he repeated. Nuggets drifted back to her thoughts. Her idea came back.
"Well, what if he tried to find another," she suggested. Gus looked at her in surprise.
"What!? How!?" Carp, the plant one, asked.
"With Sir Major Colonel Lieutenant Major Colonel General Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Esquire's help, of course!" She replied. Everyone gasped.
Sir Major Colonel Lieutenant Major Colonel General Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia Esquire, or Mister Hache (pronounced as the British "h"), was the most powerful Stegosorcerer. He was the Stegosorcerer of green.
"He can help!" She insisted. Chicken Nuggets nodded
"He can. Appendix says the he always helps her. I'm sure that, if nothing else, she can convince him to help," Nuggets said.
"How would Appendix know?" asked Gnome, the Stegosorcerer of water.
"Oh, that's 'cause us apprentices live with him so we don't cause any trouble with our magic or studies," Socks explained, "He is super helpful!"
"Well then, I guess I have no choice, huh?" Cardboard gave a small nod.
"I hate to rush you, but we do need to go, ya know, 'cause of the whole Jasper thing..." said Cardboard.
"Oh shit, you're right!" Exclaimed Carp. Soon enough, everyone was ready. Cardboard had a small smile on his face. He was about to say his favorite thing.
"Let's ste-GO!"

The Stegosorcerers
FantasyThe Stegosorcerers are a group of stegosaurs with powerful magical abilities that vary from fire to water to space and time. When the evil meteor overlord Jasper attacks the world, who will save it? The Stegosorcerers of course! *there are curse wor...