Nineteen || Weapons

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A/N : Just imagine everyone singing the song in Japanese, alright? ALRIGHT! The song is called Soldier, Poet, King by The Oh Hellos, by the way.

What could possibly go wrong if the Tsuyoshi (Name) — you — joined a party?

Let me tell you this... Everything went wrong.

To put it simply, joining the party strengthened the bonds between you and the villagers.

They started to notice that you were an incredibly wild girl and that you would always win any chugging competitions that were held. But once Kaseki came on board, it was all over for everyone.

The problem is that you are uncontrollable. You can't seem to stop. You become more thirsty the more you drink. You wheeze more the more you laugh. You yap more the more you talk.

Even your friends' sweat dropped at the sight. Surrounded by the villagers, they stared at you in wonder as you began humming a song they recognized.

"There will come a soldier!" You sang softly, pretending to wield a sword, "Who carries a mighty sword. He will tear your city down! Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord!"

Soon after, everyone else began to sing along, and some kids even began to pretend to be the soldiers.

"Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord. He will tear your city down!" The crowd sang wonderfully, "Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh Lord."

Before long, they were all laughing and cheering, while you — standing in the middle of the seated villagers — were smiling and encouraging them to keep going.

"WOOOOOO!! Let's go!" You gracefully spun around, clapping your hands to the beat.

The others then clapped their hands in unison, and some even whistled to give you more confidence.

"There will come a poet," Winking at the kids, you pretended to read a book, "Who's weapon is his words."

Unexpectedly, Chrome and Kohaku joined in, smirking as they wrapped their arms around your shoulder, "He will slay you with his tongue! Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord."

Once more, the villagers sang drowsily and drank away their drinks, "Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord! He will slay you with his tongue! Oh lei, oh lai, oh, lord."

Even the former high-ups were amused by your efforts to unite the village. They were separated into various groups only a few days ago due to the Grand Bout, look at them getting back together!

They nodded in acceptance, which definitely made you grin broadly.

"Get ready, everyone! Stand up!" Everyone proudly rose up when Kohaku gave the order.

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