⛓Faceless beings⛓

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˚₊‧⁺⋆♱A/N: Credits to XxDeath__HellxX for this theory!!! It was too interesting not to mention!

So the story goes that Slenderman was simply a man named Eric, who at the age of 21, made a pact with Zalgo. Dulferatus (Zalgo), granted him the power to absorb souls. He absorbed the soul of beings like The Großman, Noppera-bō and The AlŪ.

*The noppera-bō (のっぺらぼう), or faceless ghost, is a Japanese yōkai that looks like a human but has no face. Noppera-bō are known primarily for frightening humans, but are usually otherwise harmless. They appear at first as ordinary human beings, sometimes impersonating someone familiar to the victim, before causing their features to disappear, leaving a blank, smooth sheet of skin where their face should be. 

(It should be noted that in the early mythos, Slender Man appeared to have a face, but it did not appear on film. This seems to suggest that he can make himself appear to have a face, but that this illusion, while visible to the human eye, does not transfer to film. This is a possible ability he could use to blend in, as a faceless person would stand out a bit and onlookers would start panicking, allowing his target to escape in the ensuing chaos. This is similar to the faceless noppera- , who would "wipe away" their face to terrify their victims, except Slender Man wants the opposite effect by concealing his face.)

˚₊‧⁺⋆♱A/N:  So i thought why not search of beings that are faceless other than our beloved Slenderman? And i see now that many people have experienced seeing a creauture missing its features, therfore there may be many reasons of why we think we see Him.

The concept of faceless entities and their perceived power in comparison to regular ghosts is primarily rooted in folklore, mythology, and paranormal beliefs.

Faceless entities are often described as supernatural beings or spirits that lack distinct facial features. They are typically depicted as humanoid figures with smooth or featureless skin where the face should be. These entities are commonly associated with feelings of unease, fear, and a sense of malevolence. Their lack of a defined identity or facial features can contribute to an unsettling and enigmatic presence. The reasons behind the existence and perceived power of faceless entities can be attributed to several factors:

1. Cultural Beliefs and Folklore:

Faceless entities have been a part of various cultural beliefs and folklore throughout history. In many cultures, they are considered as omens or harbingers of misfortune, representing evil or malevolent forces. These beliefs often stem from ancient myths, legends, and superstitions passed down through generations.

2. Psychological Factors:

The perception of faceless entities may also be influenced by psychological factors such as pareidolia, which is the tendency to perceive meaningful patterns or faces in random stimuli. Human brains are wired to recognize faces, so when faced with an ambiguous or featureless figure, our minds may try to fill in the missing details, leading to feelings of unease or fear.

This portrayal may stem from the psychological impact of facing the unknown and the primal fear of the unseen.

3. Supernatural Abilities:

Faceless entities are often believed to possess supernatural abilities beyond those attributed to regular ghosts. These abilities may include heightened strength, speed, invisibility, shape-shifting, or the ability to manipulate emotions and thoughts. Such perceived powers contribute to their reputation as more powerful entities.

The experiences and beliefs surrounding faceless entities are subjective and can vary greatly from person to person.

->Why are faceless entities often considered more powerful than regular ghosts? Some possible reasons include:

1. Symbolism:

The lack of a face may symbolize a lack of identity or humanity, which can be perceived as more threatening or powerful. The absence of facial features may also make these entities appear more mysterious and enigmatic, adding to their perceived power.

2. Fear Factor:

The fear associated with faceless entities may stem from the unknown and the uncanny. The absence of facial features can evoke a sense of dread and unease, making them appear more formidable and powerful in the eyes of those who believe in their existence.

3. Supernatural Abilities:

As mentioned earlier, faceless entities are often attributed with supernatural abilities beyond those commonly associated with regular ghosts. These additional powers contribute to the perception that they are more powerful and dangerous.


"To be faceless, is a question of one's own identity. A faceless demon derives its power from the freedom that anonymity provides, while having the capability to effectively don any visage you can possibly imagine as a mask, over its own shapeless face. Inviting such a thing in, implies that you are not content with who and what you are, and that you are adopting a false identity. Being afraid of such a thing, implies that your current identity is in some way a constraint on your being [...]. The question is whether and why you don a faceless mask, and why such a reflection terrifies you to make it into a demon in your mind." -Goldie Tamamo in Quora

˚₊‧⁺⋆♱ NOTE: It is important to approach the topic of faceless entities with an open mind, recognizing that beliefs and interpretations can vary widely. While some individuals may firmly believe in the existence and power of such entities, others may view them as purely fictional or symbolic constructs.

˚₊‧⁺⋆♱ Information found in: paranormal and mystery facts in quora.


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