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The car ride felt like it took an eternity. I was scared,confused,and sad. I'm definitely the first suspect. Patrick died next to me and I didn't even wake up. What kind of person doesn't wake up to that. All I know is it wasn't me but no one will believe me if I was sleeping next to him. Im going to find the person who killed Patrick even if it's the last thing I do.

The truth is I did lose my virginity that night. Fucking for the first time isn't as great as people say it is. It was only my first time though so it should get better over time. But it won't because I love Patrick and the only person I ever wanted to have sex with was him. If I did fuck anyone else it wouldn't last long.

I've loved Patrick since I was 7 years old. Now I'm sixteen and he took my innocence. A tear fell down my cheek as I looked out the window and see we're driving by Patricks neighborhood. We drive by his families house and I see the tire swing I would sit on when he would play basketball with his friends.

His family probably thinks I'm a monster. I don't blame them though I could have stopped the whole thing. They will definitely try to sue my parents even if no one in my family is guilty. My family probably thinks I killed him. It's the only thing that actually makes sense. I know I didn't kill him but no one else does.

We make it to the station and my heart begins to race. We get out of the car and walk into the station. "I'm going to take Amber for questioning first, the rest of you don't move." The woman said I still don't know her name. I follow her and we go into the questioning room.

We sit down there's a man there too, I think he's my family's lawyer because I've seen him when I was little. "Okay Amber I am Detective Marie Elo and this is your parents lawyer Christopher   Doyle you are our number one suspect of this case because you were the last recorded person to see Patrick Stewart alive. What did you do on Saturday?" Asked detective Elo.

"I was sleeping the whole day. I don't know what happened at all yesterday." I responded.

"What did you do on Friday?" The lawyer asked

"We just hung out and watched a movie." I answered.

"Do you have any knowledge of what happened yesterday?" Detective Elo asks.

"No I can't think of anything that happened yesterday." I say as my eyes water. "All I remember is waking up to his dead body with blood all over him." A tear rolls down my cheek

"Take a deep breath, I only have one more question." Detective Elo says to me in a soft tone. Once I relax she asks "Is there anyone you know of that doesn't really like Patrick? Like at school or somewhere he goes often."

"He got in a big fight with his ex when he broke up with her but she doesn't seem like someone that would hurt someone." I responded

"Thank you for the information what's the girls name?" asks Cristopher

"Kara Baker." I respond

"Ok you can go back to your parents we're going to question your dad now." We stand up and they take him to the same room they took me into. I sit down relived. All I think about is who could have done this. Everyone in my family would have a reason to kill Patrick.

Dad:To protect my virginity
Mom:To protect my virginity
Lucy:To get more attention from me

I know Lucy wouldn't kill anyone she doesn't have the mental capacity to. If anyone it's my dad he's a butcher so he is really good at cutting things. I hope Marie is a good detective because if she is she'll know I didn't do anything bad to Patrick.

Luis's POV
I felt so fucking confused I couldn't believe my daughter did this. If that boy tried to rape her I'd understand but I've known Patricks parents for a long time and they raise their children correctly. Sometimes I wish I had raised Amber that way but it's too late for that. I understand why they have me as a suspect. I'm a father and fathers protect their daughters.

"Hello Mr.Davis I'm detective Marie Elo and this is your lawyer. We want to ask you a few questions." Marie says

"Hello, bring the questions on" I respond

"What was going on yesterday?" Marie asks

"We just relaxed and enjoyed the day" I answer confidently

"What was your daughter Amber doing" My lawyer asks

"I'm not sure she didn't leave her room though." I answer

"Ok what were you doing?" Marie asks

"I was watching tv all day."

"What was your youngest daughter doing"

"Lucy was just playing with toys and being a kid."

"Ok do you have any idea of someone who would kill Patrick?"

"No one I can think of." After the questioning was over we walked out and they took Jane to be questioned next.

Janes POV

I don't think that Amber would kill Patrick even if he tried to rape her or something. She loves Patrick, she talks about him every day. I do think that Luis would. He cares too much about Amber being a virgin. I don't really care about my daughters having sex as long as they use protection I think there's no problem with it.
The truth is I know that Amber isn't a virgin but I play along saying she is a virgin so Luis doesn't get suspicious. Luis is a butcher so he has access to weapons. We get to the questioning room and see my lawyer and the detective. "Hello Mrs.Davis I'm detective Marie Elo"

"Hello detective Elo" I respond in a clam tone

"So where going to ask you a few questions" my lawyer says

"Of course" I say

"Ok so what were you doing yesterday?"

"I was just out running errands."

"What errands?"

"Shopping, going to the post office, just normal stuff."

"Ok when did you leave and when did you get back home?"

"I left at 9:30 am and got home at 1:45 pm"

"Ok who was watching your daughter Lucy?"


"Ok what else did you do?"

"Cooked and relaxed"

"Ok do you know of anyone else who was in the house other than your family?"

"No one else came in the house"

"Ok that's all I have to ask you

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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