Chapter 53: The One With Oedipus

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"It's impossible to make your eyes twinkle, if you aren't feeling twinkly yourself." -- Roald Dahl

Mina's POV:

I spent the remainder of our trip in a daze. I didn't call Shehzer up, because I was sure I'd blurt out the news if I heard his voice. I texted him as normally as I could.

I wanted to tell him in person.

I had often imagined having kids, but visions of stinky diapers, drools, and unidentifiable fluids made me cringe at the thought. I had wanted to delay this phase of my life as long as possible. Luckily, Shehzer had agreed. In fact he had been pretty adamant about it.

"We're still figuring stuff out. I don't want to bring an innocent kid into the mix." He had said, much to my relief.

My mother's ideas on parenthood had made me nervous; she practically raised me believing that every member of the male species wanted to procreate immediately after marriage. It was a relief to find out that my husband respected, and agreed with my decision to wait.

Not that it mattered anymore.

I absently patted my belly on the way.back home. A kid is growing in there! Freaky!

I tried imagining what it'd look like. felt like a boy to me. I don't know why, but I associated the word "parasite" with a boy.

EMV snipes, 'Here comes the sexist train. Choo Choooo!'

Surreal as it was, I kind of loved it. It was a piece of myself and Shehzer, I don't think I had a choice here.

"You have terrible timing Bean. Just like your Daddy." I whispered to it. This was the first time, I verbally acknowledged him. I felt a wave of an unexplicable emotion pass over me. He felt so much real-er now. I smiled gleefully; now I won't be talking to myself like a crazy person! There's a little bean in there, who'll be listening!

EMV states dryly, 'Like that's not crazy. You're talking to a blob of blood and skin.' I was only four weeks along, so I guess she was right.

It felt unreal that this little blip could change my life. It was like one of those "It could happen to you too" type commercials on TV. Y'know? The ones where they show this happy, perfect family driving along the road, singing cheesy road-trip songs, when BAM! There's a head-on collision with a U-Haul truck! Whoosh, Daddy goes flying out the windshield, because his seatbelt wasn't tied.
They're about how life can change in a moment, in ways that can redefine your existence, change your priorities.
That's how I felt. Changed.
Shehzer picked me up from the airport, I was surprised to see Rania with him. It turned out that Mariam Auntie needed a couple of days to sort out a few logistical issues with her online business. Hence we were babysitting The Princess.

Auntie had started an online clothes business, so she often had to run to fix stuff at her designers' place, or the delivery people. I tried to be as supportive as possible, and she was so very grateful for the extra help, I felt humbled by it. Apparently, daughters-in-law in her circle of friends, and family were hardly respectful, or even bothered by their husband's families. Once Mariam Auntie confided to me that before our wedding, she had mentally prepared herself to "Lose her Son" after marriage. It was heartening for her to see me treat her as I would my own mother.

My Mom had raised me on Karma. Since I couldn't bear the thought of my own Ma struggling, it was impossible not to help out Mariam Auntie. In some ways, I found that it didn't take a lot to make someone's day.

"Hey kitten! Did you two have fun without me?" I hugged her, as she squealed. Shehzer pretended to pout, "What? No hug for your man?"

"My man will have to wait until we're home." I chirped back. I couldn't stop smiling. It was exciting having a secret! I wanted shout it from the airport speakers, but I also wanted to prolong the sweet anticipation. This was going to be our secret for now, so I couldn't say anything in front of kitten.

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