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Talking About My 2020s Life and Covid-19

Written on and off from January 21st, 2024-April 14th, 2024

Word count: 221,641


???: Hello there. Welcome to this writing. Don't be alarmed by its length. I have done what I can to make it easier to read. If you want to focus on reading the most important stuff, please refer to the actual sections on Covid. I'm not going to sugar coat it. I'm going to take you on a journey through the world that is our spaceship, Earth as well as worlds and people who are fictional as far as we can tell without conclusive proof of the multiverse theory or the ability to travel to other dimensions if they do in fact exist. This will cover the last 4 years of my life(starting from the beginning of 2020) and Covid as the main topics. Before you immediately high tail it out of here because you don't want to hear about Covid, can you at least hear me out first? I want to make sure you're comfortable before we begin this adventure together. But I'm getting ahead of myself. You might be wondering. Who am I and why do I still care about Covid so much? Let's break it down. I have 4 names I go by. My given name which is honestly a name I only use anymore to make it easier to communicate in person as I have little emotional attachment to it at this point I guess. The first name I came up with that I used online: Fireking492. The name of my fursona: BlazeWarriorWolf. And my most preferred name: Swiftdrawer. I came up with it as an alias of sorts but now, it's my favorite of my names.

Swiftdrawer: So what do I do with my life? Well, I have an ordinary job that won't give me full time hours, has unpredictable work schedules week after week, pays only a couple dollars above the new Ohio minimum wage, gives me plenty time to think as I work, and doesn't have overbearing managers that constantly breathe down every employees' throats.

Other than that, I write over 75,000 words for my current stories a month, draw art for around 15 hours a month, work on my Minecraft theme park around 30 hours a month, do dailies in 1-2 video games daily, make sure I get out 5 gaming videos for my YouTube channel daily of around 4 minutes long each, post to a site called Bluesky Social at times(including regularly boosting mutual aid posts), sword train while watching anime/cartoons for an hour every single day from around 6:20-7:21 am(it fluctuates a little bit), and other things that aren't exactly routine per say. I have written over 2 million words for my 18 different (mostly fanfiction) fiction stories in about 6 years, put 400 hours into sword training, put around 800 hours into my Minecraft theme park, drawn hundreds upon hundreds of drawings, and worked with a variety of other art mediums.

Speaking of art, I took a 2 year course in digital arts and design as well as academics at a trade school for the last 2 years of my high school years between August 2020 and May 2022. I am now certified in Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Premiere Pro as a result. I'm also a member of the National Technical Honors Society. Additionally, I took a number of honors courses from 8th to 10th grade: Honors Integrated Science, Honors English 1, Honors Biology, Honors Humanities, Honors American History, Honors English 2, and Honors English 3. To say the least, I was an A/B student for the majority of middle school and high school. I have also taken Art Foundations, Chemistry & Societal Issues, Spanish 1(though most of what I learned there has faded sadly), Guitar(never got back into it, guitar might still be mostly beyond my abilities but at least I tried), EKids(2 years in a row), Ceramics(semester course), Graphic Art Foundations(semester course), Painting & Mixed Media, Algebra 1, Applied Algebra, Algebra 2, Pre Calculus, American Government, World History(I should have gone with AP World History), Environmental Science, Anatomy & Physiology, Sociology(semester course), Economics(semester course), Physics, English 12, Geometry(I never want anything to do with those dang proofs again), and I think that's all of the noteworthy courses I took in middle and high school. Now let's talk more broadly. My main other interests are: anime, cartoons, horror, comedy, fantasy, science fiction, knights, furries, Heavy Metal music(especially the brutal or industrial stuff), Rock music, Punk, roller coasters, life simulation games, tycoon games(especially Roller Coaster Tycoon 3), books, sandbox games, MMORPGs(especially Ragnarok Origin, Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds, Sword Art Online Integral Factor, and The Legend Of Neverland), plushies, standby and improv comedy, science, art, and history.

Talking About My 2020s Life and Covid-19Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora