E/N=Enemy's name
You were on your way to music class.
While walking you heard and electric guitar coming form inside another classroom.
On a chair sat E/N playing his electric guitar in the corner of the empty room.
Suddenly E/N looks up at his eyes met yours instantly.
While he kept playing his electric guitar he smirked and looked at you frozen bythe door.
You hesitated on leaving while you kept staring at him playing the guitar.
"Come inside, love." He laughed. "Don't be shy."
You slowly walked towards him and started on a chair next to him, without saying a word, while admiring his veiny hands playing the electric guitar.
Lost your voice yesterday?" E/N said smirking.
"Maybe i went a little too hard..." He added.
Short StoryHo deciso di scrivere delle "mini storie/scenari" che magari potrebbero piacere a molti di voi. Questi scenari sono scritti TUTTI in inglese.🫶🏻 _______________________________________ I decide to write "mini stories/scenarios" that maybe some of y...