So, which one will you attend?

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(Hello! So, tiny time skip, they have now graduated, and Harumi and Aki have remained friends throughout the years, and still managed to keep it hidden.)

I followed Harumi for the last time, giving a small wave before we split. My stomach ached, this cant be it already, right? "Hey." I turned around, finding Harumi behind me, his arm reaching out. "Park?" He chuckled and tilted his head, and I let out a soft smile. Though I was sad, I should enjoy today. "Yeah." I nodded, pulling my backpack up and swiping my bangs away. He did the same, and we both blushed. "So, bunny," He said, looking up as if thinking deeply about something. "I told you to stop calling me that!" I blushed, smacking his back. "Haha, anyways. Last day of high school, huh? Were adults now." I looked at him, thinking about our years together, having to hide our friendship. "Oh, uhm, yeah." I looked down, kicking a rock with every step. He looked at me, but instead of his usual cold glare, it was soft. He watched me kick the rock, before mumbling, "So which one will you attend?" I looked at him, surprised. "College, right?" I blushed, despite knowing he indeed meant college. "Yeah." He brushed his bangs back, looking the opposite direction of me. "I, um, havent decided. Maybe Koizumigakuen's local college, but im not sure. Not many options since, y'know, im not exactly rich." I let out a small laugh, since he was rich, but he didnt respond. "Hey, whats wrong?" I looked at him, trying to see his face. "Uhm, nothing. Yeah, our local college is nice. Ive been thinking about Boizumi's Private University though." He muttered, disappointment tainting his voice. "Oh, really? I heard that place is really good. You should definitely go!" I chimed, hoping to boost his mood. He looked at me, then passed a small nod. "Yeah." Once we finally arrived at the park, Harumi had a noticeably better attitude. "So, what major will you choose?" I asked, leaning towards him while hanging onto the bars. He was sitting on a nearby bench, fiddling his thumbs. "I havent decided yet. Im...not very skilled. Maybe you can get a scholarship, though." His comment made me realize, he was right. I could get a scholarship with track. "Hey, maybe I could go to your college, then!" I exclaimed. His eyes widened as he looked at me. His mouth was slightly agape, he was clearly holding something back. "T-Thats great!" He chimes, shaking his head as if to discard his thoughts. "Uh huh.." I muttered, slowly letting him leave my gaze. I looked up at the yellow sky, the sun just over my view. "Well, this is it. No more crazy homework, no more drama, no more familiar people, no more...hiding..." I said, my voice going from a relieved mumbling to a soft whisper, realizing we could do whatever we wanted now. I sat down next to Harumi, and he leaned onto me. We watched the sunset together, however I could barely focus. His breath tickling my shoulder, his hair poking my neck, our knees touching, everything just made my heart skip. Maybe a bit too fast. This isnt normal, do him? No, im not gay! Were just...friends. 

The walk home was silent, the moon following our every step. Harumi was clearly keeping his distance, probably embarrassed about what just happened. His face was notably red. Nothing was said, just exchanged glances, until we split. "Uhm, bye bunny." He said, trying to tease me despite him stuttering. "Stop calling me that!" I pouted, still embarrassed about "bunny." My family chooses the weirdest nicknames. "Bye, Harumi." I smiled at him, brushing a hair away from his face. I waved at him then left, he stood there, his mouth slightly open before he called out, "B-Bye!" 

The next day, I woke up and found myself searching for Boizumi's Private University. I filled out the application and sent it. The wait list was huge, and I crossed my fingers. Right now, since high school just finished for seniors, the waiting list was long, and you could only get in with a lot of money or a scholarship. I looked for my name on the waitlist and found I was pretty high, so I figured I would actually get a scholarship. I didnt get my hopes up though, it was a big university. Suddenly, my phone rang. I reached out for my phone, reading the contact name, "Brother." Oh no, I completely forgot! He's gonna be so mad... I hesitantly answered, trying to hide the shake in my voice. "H-Hey, brother, whats up?" I muttered. "Which college did you choose?" He stated. It was supposed to be a question, but it sounded like a demand coming from him. "Oh, um, I just applied for Boizumi's private." I chimed, attempting to please him. "Boizumi's? You can do far better than that, come on Akihiko." He sighed into the phone. "O-Oh, uhm, im...sorry..." It took every ounce of strength I had to hold back my tears, why was he never happy for me? "Cant you just be happy that I can even go somewhere so expensive?" I blurted out. I immediately tensed up. "W-Wait, im sorry, I didnt mean-" "So thats how you see me, huh? Im just trying to set you up for success. Youre so ungrateful!" He yelled into the phone, causing me to pull the phone away from my ear in shock. "W-Wait, no, im sorry. I realize that youre just trying to help me. P-Please forgive me, I...Ill do better..." Tears started to stream down my face. "Ill think about it. Now find a better college, like Princeton or something." He mumbled. "Yes, yes, o-of course." Ive never hung up faster, ive really done it now. Hes so mad at me, oh no, what will I do... I wiped my eyes, and through fuzzy vision found Harumi's contact. After a couple rings, I heard, "Hello?" "H-Harumi, are you home?" I muttered, trying to hide the shake in my voice. "Uhm, yes. Why? Are you okay?" He said, concerned. I wiped my eyes and took a few deep breaths. "N-No, can I come over?" I found myself tearing up again. "Y-Yeah, of course." He mumbled, surprised, yet his tone was welcoming. I hung up, and ran out of my room, straight outside. Tears raced down my cheeks as I sprinted to his house, my mind racing. This is a bad idea, I shouldnt bother him with my problems. I slowed down, dragging my feet. I felt completely lost, my brother is mad at me, I dont know which college to attend, and I just really need to tell someone, but I cant bother anyone with this. Im okay. I sent Harumi a short message; "Nevermind, im okay :) sorry for bothering you." I turned around and drug myself home, when I felt a tug at my arm. "Hey." I turned around, blinking away my tears. It was Harumi. "O-Oh, im...sorry. I was just heading ho-" "Come on." He started pulling me the opposite way, towards his house. I caught up with him, raising a brow, "What are you doing?" I gave a small chuckle at his boldness. He, however, was serious. It shocked me a bit. "Were going to have a talk." My smile faded as I realized the sitaution. I froze, my sneakers making a screech against the sidewalk, "What? No. Im you. Im fine, okay?" I said sternly. His grip pulled at my skin, surprised at my stop. "Seriously? Youre clearly not okay. At least tell me what hap-" "Im okay!" I accidentally ended up yelling. Oh no, what if Harumi gets mad at me too? His brows furrowed at me, and a sense of abandonment ached inside me. "Im sorry. I didnt yell." I grabbed my arm, looking down. No way could I look at him, now. "Im sorry, I wont bother you about it then." I looked up at him, my brows furrowed with surprise. "Dont be... Its my fault for worrying you. Can we just...pretend this never happened?" I smiled awkwardly, my eyes apologetic, as I hesitantly looked at his. His face was neutral, not showing any emotion. I had no idea what was going through his head. "Okay." He responded, his voice bare. "How about we play some video games at my place?" He smiled at me, pointing backwards, down his road. My eyes widened, and I let out a smile. "Yeah."

(I know this is kind of angsty for a first chapter, but it was unintentional... ;-; Im going with the flow, so trust the process! The next chapter gets more happy I swear.)

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