Part 9: The Aftermath

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After locking my phone I throw on some legging and an oversize T-shirt and start running to the gym. When in the gym I turn my headphones full blast, starting a back workout. With all the stress and rage inside me I lift more than I normally can.

After possibly overdoing in the gym, I take a light jog home. Getting in the shower to rinse off and relax my muscles, my mind wonders to how Billie is, I haven't even thought of how posting that video would affect her.

Drying off and throwing sweats on I finally unlock my phone again after 3 hours.

Blue Moon 💙🌑

love you Y/N so proud of

Couldn't have said it better
myself, that video was great

Thank you boys,
I really appreciate it and
love you both. Could you please
come over tonight, I could use a distraction.

Of course, Emma and I
will bring you some dinner

Mia and I are in too, we will
bring some alcohol and dessert.

I really appreciate them and I cannot wait to see them all tonight. Mia and Emma have both text me. Going to text them back I get a FaceTime. It's my mum?

"Hi mum? Isn't it late there" I say

"Yes darling, it's 1 am but I saw the article and your video are you ok I love you so much" worry all over her face

"I'm fine mum Grayson, River and the girls are coming over tonight I love you too I miss you so much" a tear forms in my eye

"Tell the boys I said hello and tell Emma to send me a copy of her book, you are so strong what actually happened" she says

"My friend Billie invited us to a party, we had all been drinking but I saw a guy touching her, she was saying no he kept going I couldn't let him get away with that so I pushed him, he punched me so I punched him back" I explain

"You've always been like that Y/N, protecting people, I'm proud of you and your morals but if you could refrain from getting into fight that would be useful, you must care a lot for this Billie"

"I do mum" when I said that I could see her smile she always knows when I like someone.

"Your father misses you too he's currently asleep after his shift" all my life my dad's been working hard, climbing the ranks as a paramedic. I have him to thank for my work ethic.

"Tell him and Flo that I miss them please" I say as the doorbell rings "I think the boys are here so I'll text to tomorrow thank you for checking in love you mum"

"Love you too sweetheart" she hangs up

I open the door revealing all 4 of my best friends bearing gifts. Grayson and Emma had bought a lasagna, my favourite and the other pair had brought wine, beer and cheesecake. I welcome them in and grab cutlery as we all sit to eat

"Thank you guys for coming this looks delicious, my mum says hi to you all and Emma she wants a copy of your book" I say to the table to which Emma nods and texts my mum.

"How are you feeling now y/n" Grayson says

"Honestly I don't know, I've barely been on my phone. I'm really hoping he drops the charges but who knows" I say honestly

"Have you... spoken to Billie" Mia asks

"Before you answer that, can you fill us in. Grayson said she was here this morning" River sends me a wink and roll my eyes.

"Mia to answer you I actually haven't. I need to talk to her. And we met at the Grammys after party as you all saw. I met her and Finneas in the studio and we had a bit of tension. Then, I may have kissed her and then ran away at the party in the hills. Like an idiot I know. After saving her from that dickhead she screamed at me, fixed my lip and we kissed properly. And I offered to make it up to her last night we had an amazing date and she slept over." I explain

"Did you sleep together" River asks earning a smack from Mia

"No we did not, now can we eat I am starving" we all begin to eat the lasagna complimenting the couple on their food and falling into comfortable conversation when my phone rings, it's Sarah I'm going to get an earful.

"Y/N I have bad news, good news and even better news" she says instantly

"Shoot" I say

"Bad news is that I'm very mad at you for going off script, Good news is that your video has done wonders, everyone online loves you"

Interrupting her I say "I just wanted people to know the truth" making everyone at the table stare

"And the even better news is that we were able to get Mr Abbot to back off after gaining access to footage of him harassing Miss Eilish"

"Well thank you for telling me Sarah, sorry for pissing you off but I need to say it my way" I try to contain my excitement with the news.

"Take care kid, sending over the schedules now" she says goodbye and hangs up

Everyone at the table sits in silence. "He's dropping the charges" I breathe out causing everyone to cheer.

"This calls for celebration" River shouts.

Clearing the table of the lasagna, River brings out the dessert and alcohol. After demolishing that we decide to enter the living room and continue drinking. In the back of my mind I worry about the video and Billie but I'm trying to have fun.

Mia sits next to me "check your phone I know you need to know"

Opening my phone I open instagram, I see a handful of celebrities commenting in my support

findingxfletcher: Women👏supporting👏women
dualipa: you did whats right ❤️
BillieEilish: 🤍🤍🤍

My eyes are drawn to billies comment. Instantly I open my messages.

Just seen your video, hope
you're ok. Thank you for
saving me again. Thinking
of you 🤍
2:07 pm

Hey Y/N are you ok?

I heard about the good
news from my lawyers.
Please tell me you're ok.
7:20 pm

Billie I'm sorry for not replying.
I haven't been on my phone
but I should've text you.
I'm fine , the band came to distract me
Thank you for your support

I'm just glad you're ok.
I'll text you tomorrow
have fun w band. No more fights

Satisfied with my conversation, I continue my night with the band. We put on a scary movie and roll in laughter when Emma jumps out of her seat.

Once in a Blue Moon; Billie ElilishWhere stories live. Discover now