context: omega and the rest of the batch's deepest fears come true when the empire invade Pabu, their safe haven.
The empire's cruel and unforgiving soldiers ransack the city of peace and prosperity, casting a dark and ruthless shadow over everything they encounter. Demolishing houses and ransacking carts, people screaming and running in terror. Omega frantically runs through the crowded chaos, desperately trying to locate the rest of the batch. Her breaths rapidly increasing, her heart pounding in her chest. Despite the risk of being intercepted, she grabs her comm from her belt, grasping it tightly in her clammy hand as she quickly hides behind a cart. 'Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, anybody!' she screamed down it in a hopeless plea. Horrible and terrified thoughts run through her head, threatening to shatter her composure completely. Not again, not again repeating over and over and over, she cant loose them. She cant do this alone.
She sobs quietly before trying the comm again, saying their names over and over like a prayer hoping someone will answer. Going to move closer to a more secure location she takes a step when Hunters's voice, etched with fear and love, echos out the speaker 'We hear you kid, get to the cove now'. Omega surveys her surroundings before beginning to sneak her way through the havoc wreaking loose over her once safe home, 'Hunter' she breathes into the comm 'Im scared'. Barely a second after he responds 'i know kid, i know but nothing bad's gonna happen alright. as soon as you get here were leaving'. barely comforted she rasps through ragged breaths 'I, I can't.. i don't think' she stutters, the overwhelming hopelessness and terror that threatens to consume her evident through her broken tone. 'Listen to me omega' hunter says kindly but firmly 'take deeps breathes and focus. we will get through this, together. we are not loosing you again i pro-'. he was about to say when omega cuts him off 'don't' she exclaims 'don't promise something you cant keep'. silence echoed through the comm, as if none of her brothers knew how to respond. 'just promise me something' she begins 'that no matter what you will always try and find me'. hunter begins to voice his agreement, echoed by her remaining brothers but she interrupts 'but promise me you wont get yourselves killed in the process, loosing you is something i cannot handle, if saving me means losing your lives then its not worth it. my life means nothing if your not in it'. Static echos through the comm, as if the brothers wanted to speak but didn't know how to. A loud wrecker like sniff sounds in the background before one by one her brothers that she loves so fiercely, that would sacrifice everything for her, make her a promise of love and hope. That no matter what they would fight for her, but not just her but their future, together.
Hunter begins to say something else, indistinctly muttering under his breath and just begins to form the words 'i lov-' when Omega suddenly feels rough and calloused hands grab her from behind, putting her in an inescapable grasp. 'Hunter!' she screams into the comm, fear lacing her voice, desperately calling his name but there is nothing her brother can do but call her name over and over into the comm.
'Omega! Omega' Hunter cries over and over, desperately trying to contact his kid. But to no avail, static echoing in return. He looks around frantically at the other members of the batch then at the surrounding land, fear threatening to consume him. 'No' he fiercely tells himself, 'deep breathes' he commands. he forces him self to stop, inhaling and exhaling deeply, before turning back to his crew, 'were going to find her' he states in a cold, calculating voice foreign to him. The boys just stare back at him, defensive expressions reflecting his own, a vow of vengeance. They turn to go back up the rock path to reclaim what is theirs when they hear a terrified scream. 'Hunterrr' echoes into the surroundings. they whip their heads up to find the source of the cry, finding the image they most deeply feared. the empire's shadow solider comes into view, holding their precious kid in a death grip. Omega's eyes shone with fear as she looked down towards her brothers, cuffs tightly around her thin pale wrists, forcing her hands in front of her and an arm wrapped around her shoulders anchoring her in place. Despite the weapons possessed by her captor that could easily dispose of her, she uncaring squirmed and wiggled in his hold, desperate to get away and into her brother's safe arms.
Hunter glares into the eyes of the empire, knowing that his brothers are doing the same, blasters pointed. The commander holds his arm up in signal and the white soldiers ready their blasters, aiming to kill. Omega doubles her effort to break free from the cruel grip as he brothers are all but put in the gallows, tears slipping down her face. Pure fear and devastation shadowing her pale features. The solider moves his arm down and weapon fire rains down upon the batch. Omega's screams accompany the horrifying crash of rocks falling around them as the cliff succumbs to gravity. The brothers attempt to avoid the mighty clusters of mud and earth threatening to crush them entirely. Through the gaps of the rocks falling Hunter squints just enough to see the empire begin to withdraw their troops, having gotten what they came here for; what they destroyed an entire island of innocence for. The shadow solider roughly drags Omega towards his cruiser, still desperately squirming and screaming his name, over and over. Having no other option but to scream, terror lacing her voice. Hunter's eyes cling to the image of her for as long as he can until they are no longer in view, uncaring of the rocks continuing to fall around him and the persistent tugging of his arm by one of his brothers, only that Omega. His kid, was once again ripped from their loving arms.
Eventually the rocks must stop falling as Hunter feels his brother's grip release his arm but he doesn't care. Only one thought runs through his head, he promised her, he promised. And he failed. Again. He still cant protect the one thing he cant live without, the person he cares for most in this galaxy. All but hyperventilating as the anguish and guilt and sorrow coarse through his veins as he falls to his knees. He will never forget the look of pure terror as she once again has to face the horrors of the empire, alone. Because he failed to protect her. The tears of despair filling her eyes and streaking down her face, a face that should be full of joy and childhood innocence and purity is tainted by pain. suffering. fear. Hunter put his hands to his face and silently wept, all hope and joy extinguished the moment his kid was wrenched from him. But underneath that sorrow an oath sings through his heart, a pledge of vengeance. That not matter what he will fight to get his kid back, no matter what this time he would not fail.
Omega desperately looks behind her, attempting to catch even a glimpse of her brothers. A hint, a sign just to make sure they are alright. The shadow solider, however, roughly shoving her inside the ship; attempting to bend her movements to his will. Another prison, another cell. Alone. Through the tears threatening to fall down her face again she catches a blurred sight of her remaining brothers, two still standing on the pebbled beach below but one on his knees. She can just make out his long dark hair and red bandanna tied around his head. To her despair, it is only for a moment before she is forced into a chair beside the other soldiers who have already sat down, blasters still in hand. Her captors hands thrusting her shoulders back and legs against the chair. Despite her constant squirming and unwillingness to cooperate, the solider began strapping her in place with rope like restrains attached to the chair, usually used as a crash precaution but in omega's case to bind her in place. Secured so tightly that it almost cuts off her circulation; two straps crossing over her chest so she has no choice to sit up painstakingly straight, one wound tightly around her hips as well as rope binding her ankles to the chair so she cant attempt to kick anyone even if she wanted to. She was trapped and restricted in every way possible, there was no way for her to escape.
She feels the ship jump into hyperspace and she feels terror and worry begin to consume her thoughts, her heart until she is left with overarching panic. alone, alone alone echoing in her head, over and over and over as the weight of it is full comprehended. She is alone. again. Her breaths turn ragged as she fights to gain even the slightest bit of air into her lungs but the horrible confinements restricted the space for her lungs to expand. White spots begin to warp her vision and she feels the darkness lurking in her mind, readying to overwhelm her as she hyperventilates. omega is about to yield to the shadows when a voice echoes in the back of her mind. It was enough to slightly lessen her panic. The words begin forming in her mind 'deep breaths' 'focus', gliding through her mind, casting their own slither of light in the endless void of darkness. She knows that voice, clings to it. Every times she hears it she feels the shadows lessen their grip, and feel more oxygen begin to trickle into her lungs. The voice of all three brothers dance in her mind, extinguishing the panic from her mind completely. Calmness gliding in waves in her mind, the promise of love and hope singing back to her. They will find her and when they do they will never loose her again.
Thanks so much for reading! Please feel free to like and leave a comment for tips on how to improve or anything else, and follow for more. Casey x

Bad batch one shots
Science FictionBad batch scenes inspired by season 1, 2 and 3. may contain spoilers. Omega and rest of batch cute and agnsty scenes.