Chapter 2 - Taylor

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I'm running as fast as I can, my medium length strawberry blonde hair is up in a ponytail which is swinging back and forth. My long, pale legs are moving so fast it feels like I'm flying. Tears are falling down my electric green eyes. My mascara is smeared and my lipstick was licked off.
I round a corner, nearly knocking over a confused looking boy. I have no time to say sorry, the guys are right behind me, and if they catch me I'm done for.

My heart is beating so fast it might explode. I close my eyes to run faster, but knock into a wall, falling. "OW!!" I scream, before gasping. I turn around, and go whiter than paper. The guys were closing in on me. I get up and heist up my fists. They swing first, but I dodge, just for another to hit my nose. I yelp. One picks me up by my hair and throws me against the wall. I hear a crack, and I scream, clenching my eyes closed preparing for the beating of the century. But it never comes. I open my eyes, to see the guy I pushed past standing in front of me. He's a scrawny guy. Probably just a grade below me. I've never seen him before. He definitely doesn't go to my school.

The boy is breathing heavily. One of the guys growls. "Move kid, this ain't got nothin' to do with you!"
The boy stutters. "I- Uh- N- No! I won't move! I-I-I-I won't listen to you!"
It's clear the boy is more scared than a two year old in a haunted house made for people twenty one and up. One of the guys raises his fist to hit the boy, until a loud, booming voice echos through the area we're in.

"HEY!!" An unfamiliar deep voice yells, vibrating everywhere. The guy looks relieved. "Daniel?!" He cries. The guys after me look behind them. I would run, but I think the really big dude broke my leg when he hit me against the wall, so instead I watch it all go down. I watch as the guy named Daniel starts throwing punches. The scrawny guy is watching, his face red. I raise an eyebrow. Is this man queer? I don't take the time to analyze that, and tug on his leg. He looks down, his blush fading. "Yes?" He asks. I nod to my leg, mumbling. "Yo, I think the big guy broke my leg.. Can you help me?" I hate asking for help but in situations like this I know I have to. The guy crouches down, and attempts to pick me up, but can't. "Sorry, I don't work out." He laughs. I, on the other hand do not think this is something to be laughing about. I look back to the fighting men, except nobody is fighting. Daniel is yelling at the running away adults. He looks to the scrawny boy. "You need help, E?" He asks him. The boy apparently named E nods, laughing again. "Yes.."  He mumbles. "Sorry, you're kinda heavy." He jokes. I roll my eyes. Daniel then lifts me up over his shoulder, takes E's hand, and walks. It doesn't take Daniel long to let go of E's hand, he just helped him up, but that was enough for E to turn into a mess.

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