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I went to training every day, obviously for rehab. We got my results and I'd fractured my ankle in two places and the ligaments were torn. Id have to go and have surgery to correct the bones. I wasn't too bothered about it, obviously I wanted to be on the pitch but this gave me more time to call Bea.

Friday morning

I woke up, it had been a week since if hurt my ankle and today I was having the surgery to correct the bones. Bea was flying over and would be here soon. Viv and Beth were very nice and kind to me, they were very funny as well. Vic stayed over a lot and Laura came over too. Currently Laura, Alessia and Vic lived in a house together but Vic and Laura were moving out to an apartment and Alessia and Kyra were renting a smaller house meaning they had a spare room for me when I was more mobile I said I'd move with them to the smaller house.

I got a little backpack ready. Mainly just a hoodie, charger and stuff. Since Viv and Beth have obviously gone through surgeries from their ACLs they knew kinda what sort of stuff to bring.
Bea arrived in a taxi before I'd even had time to finish packing. She was going to stay in a hotel near us and see me every day for a week and then go home again. Viv let her in, knowing she was coming over anyway but still go surprised when she saw her. Bea had FaceTimed me two nights ago and I'd set it up so she could meet Viv and Beth. I had talked about her a lot but I genuinely didn't think she'd ever meet my teammates. But then I remembered they were my teammates, because in my head they were all still celebrities I'd always looked up to.
Bea was quite tall (she's 5"5 but I'm only 5"2 on a good day so anything is quite tall to be honest). She has long dark wavy hair that flowed around the green hoodie she was wearing. I sprinted (crutched quite slowly but enthusiastically) towards her.
"Gio!" I yelled
"Tedo!" She yelled back. Viv moved out of the way so she could hug me. God I'd missed her.
Bea thanked Viv for letting her in and came into my room to help me pack. She had brought me a packet of my favourite crisps for after the surgery and a new pair of shin guards. I love her so much.
We talked about how Junia and all of our other friends were, about her uni choices, about the boy she's got her eye on at work, and how Felony was doing. I'd had to leave my beloved cat with Junia and Bea until I had enough money to bring her over with me.
Bea came with us to the hospital. Viv and Beth had offered to stay with her while I was in surgery but I told them they'd done enough and to go home. B would be okay and she agreed she'd be fine.
I got changed into my gown and B took photos of me while I lay down looking terrified. She laughed at me.
The nurses and doctors explained to me what was going to happen and all of that and then they wheeled me into surgery. Bea took a photo of me waving goodbye to her and posted it on insta captioning it: finally got rid of this one, hopefully this will be the end of these sort of shenanigans 😂

I woke up to Bea curled up beside me, her arms around me. My mouth was so so dry, my leg was so sore and I had wires around me. Something was beeping. Viv was sat down on a chair in the corner on her phone. I assume Beth is at training. I rolled over slightly to put my arm around Bea and fell back asleep.
I woke up the next morning to Beth, Viv and Bea having a conversation with the help of google translate.
"Oh there you are Cece!" Bea said bounding over to me. I shut my eyes and held up my arm so she could give me a hug but know I was tired.
A nurse came in to check my blood pressure and stuff and also gave us breakfast. I am already a picky eater so giving me gross hospital food was not going to help. B knew what to do though. She shoved the food into the bin and handed me the bag of honey and chilli crisps she'd brought me. They were made by an old man in the village square and they were by far my favourites. I had a few, not really in the mood for food but I didn't want to disappoint B.
When we finally got discharged and got to go back to the house, Bea offered to cook dinner and then she'd go home. She made her amazing ramen and we sat down to eat.
"Sapevo che avresti dovuto mangiarlo perché ti piace così tanto, mi ha chiamato anche G. Junia e mi ha detto che a Felony manchi più di quanto tu possa immaginare ma che si prende cura di lei. Dì loro anche che partirò presto, sono molto gentili e fanno molto per gli altri. Mi è sempre piaciuto guardarli in televisione con te quando eravamo più piccoli." I knew you would eat it because you like it so much, G. Junia also called me and told me that Felony misses you more than you can imagine but that he takes care of her. Also tell them that I will be leaving soon, they are very kind and do a lot for others. I always loved watching them on television with you when we were younger.
Viv looked up. "Thanks for dinner Bea." She said, tiredly but kindly.
B nodded. "Thanks for looking after amore mio."
After dinner I went to bed, exhausted from the surgery and stress of the day.

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