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'Dad? Where are you going?' I stand up quickly trying to reach the front door and pull his sleeve.
'Maria, daddy is going to be back, I don't know when, but I promise I'll be back' he wipes off tears in my face.
'Dad please I beg you' I start crying desperately.
'I'm sorry Maria' then he leaves.

These were his last words. After that day never seen him again. He promised he would be back when I was 12 and now I'm 17. I know it's not long but damn. Five years without contact hurts me so much. After that day everything changed. My point of view towards people but specially men.

'Maria you going to be late hurry up', my mother shouts from downstairs.
'Yeah I'm coming!', today is my first day of work. Never worked in my life. I don't even know what to expect. My mum always did everything, after my father left she always been our income resource. But now I'm grown. I don't wanna see my own mother struggling, she already did a lot. Now it's my turn.

'I'm so proud of you, I will never be able to explain how much I love you Maria' she hugs me.
'Oh mum... you're my entire life, just me and you, we don't need no one else', I kiss her cheek. Yes, we have many argues but that doesn't mean I dont't love her.

We always been close. She's my inspiration. She gave me the perfect education ever and she's proud of me. What can I ask more from life?

I won't lie. I do miss my father, I do dream about having one again. I do wanna experience daughter and dad relationships but I guess it is what it is. I made till now without anyone, I wiped my own tears and stood up for myself. If I never needed anyone... why would I now? Exactly.

'Mum I have to go now' I give her a little smile then opening the same door that my dad left from. I can do this, I tell myself.

I walk slowly and reach the shopping centre in our town. I hate this place so much. Sadly people never mind their business. Lost in my thoughts, without even noticing I arrived to the sport shop. I'm going to work in here from now on, £12.00 per hour, a deal no?

'Hi, uhm I'm new' I smile to the lady at the desk.
'Yes! You must be Maria!' she gets excited.
'Yes I am' I get shy and blush. Why is this woman excited?
'Follow me' she says then walks somewhere which I don't have any idea where.
'This is where I kee-, sorry I meant WE keep all the products' she corrects herself.
Good at least she remembered that it's 'we' now since I work in here.
'Your job is to help the customers and help them choosing the ideal product they want'
I nod.
'Is everything clear Maria?'
'Yes it is ma'am' I clear up my voice.
'Call me Leah dear' she smiles again.
Why does she always smile? I wish I had to be this happy.

I guess it's going to be a long ass week.
Wish me luck?

riri's notes 🎀
hey guyss, how is everyone doing?? been so long since my last story. seems like maria has daddy issues and not really excited about her new job.
i hope you guys going to love the story x.
don't forget to like, comment and star the story.
love you x

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