Chapter one

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It's been now few months since I started working at Leah's shop. Everything is boring and the same as always.
'Maria do you mind helping him to choose new gloves?'  Leah asks me.
There you go. I hate helping out dumb ugly ass customers. I turn my eyes into the customer's face and...damn.
I wish I never said dumb ugly ass customers.
The man in front of me is divine. Majestic. Sexy.
Maria don't forget what men brings.
Shut up.

Am I really talking to myself? Oh my days.
'Listen don't waste my time' the black haired man gets pissed.
Oh, aggressive I see.
'How can I help you?' I ask paying attention to him. He's so beautiful.
'I need gloves for my bike'
'I think we have them-'
'You think? You work in here and you don't know?' he replies rudely.
'I just need to check, is not that deep'
'Hurry up' he sighs.
I quickly go and check if we do have. I grab some of them and show him.
'That's all we have'
'Can i try them on?'
'Yes sure' I look at his hands. They're so big.
He grabs one pair and wears it. He looks so attractive.
'Do they look good on me?' he smirks.
'Yeah they do' I nod automatically.
'Maybe they're too small for me, I have really big hands' he says to then wait for a reaction from me.
'Yes I can go and grab bigger sizes'
'Yes do that' he gives me a look.
I come back after a while and show him.
He wears it again then agrees to buy the pair.
'What's your name' he asks while paying.
'Uhm Maria' I blush.
'What's yours?'
'Why do you care? Do your job' he takes the bag then leave.
What the actual fuck.
Never mind, I thought he would be nice to me.

In the afternoon I went to eat to a coffe next to the shop. Sometimes I feel so lonely, like I have no one. In these type of moment I wish I had a family. Of course I always can count on my mum in fact cant't wait to go home and tell her how I'm getting on with the job.

Inwalk through the streets while listening to my favourite band 'The Neighbourhood'. No one will ever understand how relatable those lyrics are and make me feel safe. While I reach the stairs of the house I look fornthe keys in my bad and suddenly his eyes comes in my mind. Today was intense even though it wasn't anything concrete. Maybe and I repeat maybe I might have a little crush on that man and I will never even see him again. Pity.
I insert the keys and open the door when a horrific scene is in front of my eyes. My mum half naked kissing another man. And that man is not anyone. A face that I remeber very well. She's kissing Simon, my father's best friend, he helped us since he left and now he's kissing her??
My heart shatters. It goes in lot of pieces. I'm stuck at the door while they both turn around and look at me.

'What's all these?' I ask with a low voice.

I can't even look at her face right now.

'Simon is better if you go now, I'll call later' she says.

'No stay you bastard, is that why dad left? I always thought he was the bad one but now looking at your pathetic face I know who's the real bad parent in here'

'It's not what you think' she tries and come close to me.

'No you stay the fuck away from me and don't you dare to touch me' I shout.

'Tell this motherfucker to stay here, I'm the one that is going to leave' I add before going upstairs and pack up my stuff.

I have no where to go but staying here is making me sick. I wonder if sll these is recent or been for a long time. The thought of my own mother cheating on my father gives me nausea. I start tearing up. Maybe I sound dramatic but I honestly think that my life couldn't get worse than this. I take my stuff and go down the stairs. My mum has a very upsetting face while Simon is reassuring her. I walk pass them and give her a last look.

'Bye mum' I say then leave.

Perfect I have no idea of where to go. I'm literally homeless. I don't know if I tell and ask Leah for help. I walk towards West. London always been a beautiful city to my eyes. And now that is getting dark and I can see the lights I'm realising how lucky I am to live in here. I walk pass Lambeth Park and I see kids running and playing with each other around their mothers. I never had this. I'm starting to realise lot of stuff now. For example how love blinded I was. I thought that my mum by buying me everything was love. Money is never love.

It is whatever it is.

I keep walking through London and I see people happy. I see a pub next to Waterloo station. I don't think twice and I get in. Once got inside I go straight to the bar and sit down.

'Whatever strong you have please I wanna forget tonight' I tell the guy behind the bar, he nods and puts himself to work After few minutes he places a glass in front of me with a really strong odour. I assume that is very strong. I swallow it in few secs and about to throw up. What the hell.

'Another one' I order.

I'm currently at my I have no idea number of drink.

'How unlady are you right now' a familiar voice says, huh.

I can't be bothered to turn my head and see who that is.

'What? Now you don't even speak anymore? Whisky with double ice thanks' he sits next to me.

'Okay who the fuck you think you are huh'I turn my face to see who that was and boom. I wish I didn't.

'Oh is pretty boy from shop' I say. Why does it feel wrong what I said?

Maybe because you are drunk?


He laughs.

'What are you even talking about?' he smirks.
'I'm sorry I didn't mean to be rude pretty boy' I tell him honestly.
'Listen you better stop calling me that I ain't no kid so please don't' he sighs.
'Whatever' I say before closing my eyes.

I feel something moving or even better someone shaking me.
'Wake up you weirdo you drunk as fuck It's late let me get you at home' says pretty boys.
'Oh I haven't realised' I get up from the chair and stand next to him. He's so tall and now I'm noticing his tatoos.
'Hurry up where do you live?' he grabs his jacket.
'Nowhere plus I don't need you'
'Are you like a retard? I'm not going to leave you out here and what do you even mean nowhere?' he asks and soft tears comes down my cheek.
'Are you okay? What's wrong Maria?' he comes closer.
I'm breaking down.
'I want to die' I cry.
'No, you don't, come here' he grabs my arm and pushes me towards his chest. He rubs my bad softly and lets me cry in his shirt.
'You going to be fine, you're not alone but lets get you away from here' he looks into m eyes.
My heart feels warm. Remembers me of how dad used to be so sweet.
'You better tell me your name though' I blow my nose in a tissue.
'Kevin, my name is Kevin' he smirks again. He's so attractive.
'You look like your name' I smile slowly.
He whispers a little 'weirdo'
'Do you like bikes?' he asks and doesn't even gives me time to reply that he grabs my hand and takes me out in front of a very sexy bike.

Going to be a very long night.

riri's notes 🎀
hey guys!! first chapter, let me know what y'all think and don't forget to vote the story so I know that you appreciated. Have a lovely weekend xx

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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