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Subin woke up in a dimly lit room, confused before she realised her hands were bound tightly behind her back. The last memory she had was of seeing Jisuk.

"That bastard Jisuk! To think he would-" Her voice was laced with anger and fear, but she couldn't finish the sentence. Accusing him was out of reason.

Jisuk understood her suspicion, but it stung that she'd think he was involved. He would never betray her like that.

"You're finally awake," Jisuk's voice nearly made her jump out of her skin.

"What happened?" she asked, her mind racing to understand the situation.

"Someone tried to abduct you, and I ended up here because I tried to intervene," Jisuk explained.

Subin didn't respond immediately; she was too preoccupied trying to feel their surroundings.

"For a second, I thought you did this," she admitted cautiously.

"It would make sense that you would suspect me first. Don't bother trying to use your power. These shackles prevent us from doing so." Jisuk cautioned.

Subin managed to sit up, her back against a cold, unforgiving wall. While she was relieved that Jisuk was with her, she couldn't entirely trust him.

"What do you know so far?" she inquired.

"I know that you were the intended target," Jisuk replied.

"How can you be so sure?" Subin questioned.

"I overheard one guy said they'll dispose of me later.'"

"Still, even if you say so, I can't entirely trust you," Subin confessed.

"I understand. After all, I was the one who asked to meet. It's smart not to let your guard down," Jisuk acknowledged.

Subin felt uneasy with Jisuk's response but tried not to dwell on it and thought of what to do next. Realising that no one would immediately notice her missing, her heart sank.

"Damn it! Seongha won't come looking for me right away. On my way to meet you, I received a text that Grandpa allowed me to sleep over. Jiwoo would think I went home like always." Subin replied with frustration.

"Seriously?! Why would your grandfather suddenly allow you to sleep over? Why now of all times?" Jisuk's frustration mirrored Subin's.

"Because it's my birthday wish he granted," she mumbled.

"Today is your birthday?" Jisuk's question held a note of uncertainty. Wishing her a happy birthday seemed inappropriate now.

"Yeah," Subin replied, not keen to share personal information. The darkness in that room may have hidden the sadness in her eyes, but Jisuk caught it from her voice.

"If today is your birthday, won't your grandfather call you?" Jisuk realised.

"You're right. If my grandfather can't reach me, they already know I'm missing." With that thought, Subin felt a glimmer of hope.

Within UNION's stately headquarters, the sudden crisis had prompted an emergency meeting of key figures. Somber urgency permeated the atmosphere. Seongha faced the chairman grimly as Wooin, Jiwoo, and Jiyoung silently looked on.

"Traces of Jisuk's powers indicated a fight, but no sign of Subin herself," Seongha reported.

"They're both missing, though whether kidnapped together remains uncertain," Inhyuk speculated.

"They want Subin," the chairman declared with grim certainty. "I thought we had eliminated that threat already!"

Sensing more, Inhyuk asked, "Sir, you seem to know who was behind this."

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