Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

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"Harry, Don't!" Hermione screams, Harry's head snaps to her, eyes slitted from the Hunt, the haunting luminous yellow-gold rings his eyes. She can see his hands clench and unclench as his head snaps back to the floating Muggles just above the burning tents, hopping from foot to foot, antsy and eager for the hunt just past the tents. "Please," she begs her best friend.

"I'm, …I can't just, …" Harry says before a scream from where the Death Eater was rampaging catches his attention and a growl boils up from his throat, before he turns back to Hermione and Ron, "Get to the forest, find the others and stay safe," he says before charging off into the crowd, heading towards the Death Eaters, towards his prey.

"Harry, No!" Hermione screams before she's grabbed by Ron and dragged back to the woods.


"Sirius! Remus!" Harry calls out as he sees the two men in the entrance hall before jogging up to them, only to be swept up into a hug from his Godfather.

"Harry! It's so good to see you again," Sirius says as he crushes Harry to him like something precious he didn't want to let go of.

"Hello, Harry," Remus says with a kind smile as he watches them with a smile, "How have you been?" He asks as he leans against the stone wall.

"Oh, um, …good, I guess, not allowed to wear my jacket right now, but otherwise fine," Harry says as he breaks away from Sirius, "But what are you two doing here?" Harry asks.

The two marauders look at each other with a smile before turning back to Harry, "I'm guessing Dumbledore didn't say anything, Huh?" Sirius asks before Harry shakes his head confused, He didn't like to bother the Headmaster if he could help it.

"That's good," Sirius says while nodding his head, "I wanted to tell you myself," he says before reaching into the black leather jacket that looked almost like Harry's own and pulling a bundle of parchment that was neatly folded before handing it to Harry.

Harry unfolds the folded parchment and squints at the floating words that twist across the page, "ahhh, …" Harry looks back at Sirius with a confused face.

"Oh, right the dyslexia thing, Sorry Harry," Sirius says before pulling out his wand and waving it over the parchment and the symbols rearrange themselves into something Harry's brain could process, "The important part is at the bottom," Sirius says tucking away his wand.

Harry's eyes scan near the bottom of the page, reading it under his breath "We, The department of child welfare, by the power invested in us by the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot, hereby award…award the custody of Harry James of the Noble House of Potter to, to…to Sirius Orion of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, …" Harry looks up from the parchment to his Godfather's face, eyes wide and full of emotions, he feels the corners of them burn, "No, …No more Dursleys?" Harry asks, vice cracking as Sirius bends down to look him in the eye as he places his hands on his shoulders.

"Never Again," Sirius swears to his Godson before they embrace, with Remus watching on with a small smile on his face. After a long moment, they break from their embrace before Sirius tells him to go up to Gryffindor Tower and change.

"Why?" Harry asks, confused, were they leaving?

"Because today we'll be doing something that's long overdue, Harry," Remus tells him.

"We're going to visit your parents," Sirius tells him with a sad smile.


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