Rewrite Chapter 1 for test

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In the back of the class sat a purple haired girl. One that kept a distance from other people. A girl who decided talking was too much work somedays. And listening was just easier. Kyoka Jirou.

Jirou kept to herself most of the time. When you could hear everyone at the same time it made it hard to hold a conversation. So unless it was Denki Kaminari or Momo Yaoyarozu then there was no point in talking to them. Everyone was nice and all but too much work at the same time. Especially after a long fight with her parents all morning. So Jirou decided today was a quick day. So in the back she sat, with her headphones plugged in listening to the newest One Ok Rock album. Tapping along to the song, she copied the notes on the board.

Class 1-a at UA High was known for being the hero course. They were the most talented class in the school. Although they didn't know as much in the class, they had the most experience and got their heroes licenses earlier then the rest.

Jirou wrote the notes down quickly and then doodled lyrics on the side of the page. It was easy to tell she liked music. It was a part of her, however no one really knew the extent. No one knew her parents had raised her to be a musician before she decided to go to school to be a hero.

"You are somebody that I don't know

But you're taking shots at me like it's Patron"

You need to calm down- Taylor Swift

Her thoughts were pulled away when a loud announcement came on over the intercom.

"Aizawa, you are needed in the principal's office for a meeting. Please allow your class to wait patiently while you head to my office."

"Alright," Aizawa stood up and pushed his chair in. "Lecture over. I have to go to this meeting so Iida and Yaoyorozu you are in charge. No acting like fools." He walked out and shut the door behind him.

Iida stood up in the front. "Alright, class. You are free to do whatever as soon as the notes are copied. However, please remember as the leaders of our year we must act like heroes. So act as you usually would."

The class finished writing and all broke into groups. Most of the girls gathered around Mina to talk about the newest hit movie coming out that they had all gotten tickets to. Most of the guys gathered around Bakugou or Deku. Momo and Denki made their way over to Jirou. As they sat down, Jirou placed her pencil down on the desk next to her notebook.

"Hey Kyoka," Momo said, pulling a chair up and plopping herself down into it. "So, what are you working on?" She smiled at Jirou while she talked.

"Just doodles, lyrics, basically whatever other than what we are supposed to be doing," Jirou chuckled a bit at herself. Her grades definitely weren't at the top of the class but they were enough to be passing.

"Still better than mine," Denki laughed. "Hey, I heard a lot of people have been watching a new video someone posted on youtube. I looked it up and it's a band that makes some crazy good music. We should definitely do that. I mean Kyoka you obviously are good at music. Your room is full of instruments and it literally looks like a small recording booth. Wanna?"

"I don't know Denki. I mean no one else has seen my room. I try not to let people know about the whole music thing. I mean it can't do anything for my hero work so there's no reason."

"I know but a band would be so cool! Right, Momo?"

"I mean it would be pretty cool, but three people wouldn't be a great band!"

Denki stood up and made his way over to the group of boys sitting in the corner. Whispering something in their ears, the group followed him over to the direction of the two girls sitting in the middle of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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