121 ∞ Two, Not Three

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A/N:  Well, once again I have to apologize for tardiness. 
Ever seen a tapestry or Persian rug with a beautiful image on it?
A story is like that.
You see the image, unaware of all the colored threads woven to create that image. But threads are woven into it, some very important, some incidental, and some only surface to be seen briefly before disappearing.
Often, those last-mentioned are critical in holding the tapestry together so it does not unwind at the end. We are coming to the end of this Chronicle, but it is absolutely vital that all the threads are woven properly. Both for the next Chronicle and for the ending of the story. Hence, our delay in posting.

Sincerely, my apologies, Raven.

P.S. Thank you, to those who have been with us through the seasons.

∞ ∞ ∞

Day 00015 Mission Nilex

«Report,» thought Gareth and stretched the sleep from his limbs, then sat up, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.

«Continuing to gather materials. Repairs proceeding as expected, with primary hull patched for FTL. Beginning reinforcement of inter-hull structural supports. Atmosphere on previously flooded levels has achieved zero humidity levels, otherwise all is proceeding on schedule.

«No evidence of our presence being detected. I await your command to set sail, Captain,» concluded Canaisis in Gareth's mind.

He blinked and rubbed the graininess from his eyes. The last part didn't reassure him at all. At this very moment, Canaisis' presence was a light-wave heading back to Earth. Her very mass was disturbing the orbit and drift of any matter around her. All of that could be detected passively, without any trace or evidence. But Canaisis knew that too, and with her hull surface returned to normal, her senses would be hyper-vigilant. If an iceball as much as altered its drift for no reason, Canaisis would know.

The real danger was in the time lag involved over great distances. It took light from Sol eight minutes to reach Earth, and a lot could happen in eight minutes. But out here, the distances involved meant a time lag of hours to days.

He headed for the bathroom to relieve himself as the lights in the cabin increased to full brightness.

«Alright, Canaisis. Begin double-checking all systems and then triple-check them. Set course for a magnetic line to Proxima Centauri that has a nice and gentle flow. No need to stress yourself.»

«There is a suitable line not too distant, Captain. We can set sail in approximately twelve hours.»

«I need to get a firm decision from Ahmid before we know our final destination. Either way, plot out a course for all three destinations.»

«Like you need to tell me that, Captain,» replied Canaisis in a chiding tone. «Departure time estimated for tomorrow morning.»

Gareth lifted a brow and pulled the toothbrush from his mouth. Then he poked his head out of the bathroom to glance at Canaisis' chair, wondering where this was going.

«And how was that decided?»

One of the advantages of having his connection to Canaisis was being able to communicate while his mouth was busy. He returned to looking in the mirror as he continued brushing.

«Simple logical deduction, Captain. You have a date tonight.»

That made him spit into the sink and look askance in the general direction of her chair. «It's an invitation to a meal. I'd hardly call it a date.»

CANAISIS ∞ Chronicle One ∞ 3:  A Shard Of CodeWhere stories live. Discover now