Was I the reason?

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Backdrop: IND vs AUS, Test Match 2008, Nagpur, 5th Day

As the 9th wicket of Australia fell, amidst the huge uproar of Indian crowd, Dhoni couldn't help but look at Ganguly standing with his shades on looking around. He was extremely angry, he hadn't even spoken to him for the last 4 days. But today at that very moment he wanted to speak, he wanted to talk, he wanted to hug the man who made it all possible for him.

But with what face should he approach his Dada, he hasn't even acknowledged him ever since he got to know that Dada had spoken to the Selection Committee about his retirement. He didn't even bother to tell him, not even as his little brother, he just went to the Board to sign the contract of it being his last test match. Shouldn't he have been informed before, why didn't his Dada realize he was a kid who still needs him for every decision, who looks at him after every over that doesn't go according to him.

But as Dhoni contemplated without changing paying attention to the field placement, he saw Dada staring at him, and he just approached him as soon as the over ended and side hugged him surprising Dada. But no matter what happens Dada would always comfort his Mahiyaa, "Kya hua bacche........kya hua achanak?" And Mahi knew at that moment that people like his Dada can grace the field only once in every lifetime, even after he had snubbed him two days ago he still wanted to comfort him.

As Mahi hugged him tighter, "I am sorry Dada, I really am, Please don't abandon me and go."  As Dada moved his arms around his Mahiyaa hearing the vulnerability in his voice, "Mahi main kahaan jaunga tujhe chodke, I am just leaving cricket, I will still continue to be your elder brother." As Mahi felt himself choke, "I didn't mean to snub you, I just am gonna miss you, I still want to play under you." As Dada chuckled hearing MS being his cute, snuggly self, MS had a sudden brain wave, and he simply told Dada, "You captain now, I want to play under you." Dada looked confused at him, "Mahi main already switch off ho chuka hoon beta, ab nahi..." But before Dada could complete, MS started moving towards the wickets, "I am very tired Dada, and I don't want to captain anymore." Dada looked at him who refused to set a bowler, and looked around the field to see everyone looking at him with a weird smile. Dada just shook his head and started placing everyone at respective as he passed the ball to Bhajji, who all looked extremely happy to be placed by him.

As the 10th wicket fell, the first person Dhoni ran to hug was his Dada, and amidst all the hugs Dhoni's hand on his shoulder remained the constant. As the post match presentation began, and on asked about the retirement, all Dhoni could say was that, "As cricketers they were marvellous and no youngster can fulfil their places", because today they were retiring as cricketers the post of elder brother was still reserved. 

As they lifted Dada on their shoulders and opened bottles of champagnes in the dressing room, Dhoni couldn't help but stare at Dada from time and again. When he was himself sure to be dropped off the team, this man had made him bat at 3 and saved his career, when he started captaining and things didn't work out, he knew that one shake of head from Dada would assure him of his decision, when selections became a headache, a call from dada was all that he needed, and when captaincy became too much, just a hug from Dada and sleeping on his lap as he ran his fingers through your hair was enough for him. Why could he not tell him once, had he not made him comfortable enough, was he the reason?

When Dada saw MS sitting at a corner without celebrating, he went and sat beside him and pulled him to himself. Before MS could speak, Dada consoled, "Stop overthinking, nothing changes, I will just not be on the field, I will still pick up calls, I will still sometimes be placed in same hotels as you as I have decided to join commentators from next season. I am not abandoning you. Now stop overthinking. You really need to give up on this habit of yours." As MS smiled and snuggled to Dada for a peaceful sleep, he was rest assured that his Dada will always be his superhero.

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