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A/n: HELLO BABIES! This is let me wear your hat. I hope you all enjoy it! Excuse any mistakes! ♥️


The Knowles' ranch was one of the most well-known places in Houston

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The Knowles' ranch was one of the most well-known places in Houston. Supporting all the cattle and sheep that you can look for. The crops grew high and the workers were always busy. Being on the ranch was like a dream to anyone who loved the animals and gardening.

One of their most dedicated workers, Onika Maraj, sought to spend her time every day working for these lovely people. She had met the family. All except one of them. She had heard the girl was a bit different. Not used to being on the ranch and just wanted to focus on doing her own things. That was okay in Onika's mind. She never wanted to disrupt her to go and greet her. There was no reason she should do that.

It was Monday.

Work was slow and Onika found the time to clean up all the cow shit she could to clear the area. Others around her tended to the grooming of the cattle, greeting her as they passed by. She only sighed. Scooping up piles of manure every day would send anyone into a spiral. Except... sometimes Onika found it...


The Houston sun was shining down on her, making her more uncomfortable than usual. Less clothes meant the more she could cool off. Her brown hat rested on her head as she kept scooping. If anyone looked at her, they would see a woman in an off-white tank top and denim jeans.

"Heya Missy!" Onika suddenly heard. She turned around and instantly backed up. Her eyes focused on the tall girl in front of her. Face scrunched in confusion.

"Yes? How can I help ya?" Onika questioned as she turned to look at the disturbance. When she looked up, she was greeted by a woman with honey-blonde hair and a black hat. Glazing over her outfit she looked as if she was dressed to work. Yet, her outfit looked brand new and wasn't worked in.

The woman bit her lip as she held her hands behind her back, getting into Onika's space. "Daddy said that I had to help you scoop poop!" Her excitement turned Onika off almost immediately.

Nothing about scooping poop was exciting. Onika put her shovel on the ground and cleared her throat, looking the woman right in her eyes. "I don't need no help. Tell Mr.Mathew that I'm okay. It's too hot for company."

The woman blinked a few times, registering what she had to say. "Oh... that's not my—"

"That's not your father?" Onika interrupted, adjusting her hat. Beyoncé smiled and shook her head, putting her hand over her mouth. Her body language was skeptical but it made Onika shrug and pick up her shovel again.

Before Onika could start again, she heard steps. Loud steps. Turning her head towards the barn, she saw her boss walking towards them. His posture was bold and his mug was deadly. "I reckon you better get the hell away from my daughter if you know what's good for ya, Tanya!" He yelled at her, pointing his finger in her direction. His steps were fast and his walk was mean. Beyoncé covered her ears, startled by her father.

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