Chapter 16

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The return of Prince Ragnan with his army was accompanied by great glory. People believed that the rule of the shadows was over, and that nothing terrible was waiting for them anymore. No one has ever made it out of the Dark forest alive after hunting the Shadow Lord. It was a miracle.

While the others were rejoicing, Princess Luna was overcome with worry. What if they succeeded in their mission? What if they managed to get to the Shadow Lord and killed him? She would feel it, wouldn't she? She would feel that the Shadow Lord is not among them anymore. The curse is still on, so he must be alive, she told herself. He must be alive, otherwise the curse would disappear with him, or she would die with him. She was sure of Prince Ragnan's failure. She believed in it. She hoped.

Luna didn't know why she cared about her dark prince if he's still being alive. Maybe it was because she had formed a bond with him that she wasn't willing to admit. And perhaps it was because his life meant she wouldn't have to marry Prince Ragnan or anyone else. Luna hasn't been open about her feelings lately. It was one big mess.

An unknown young woman in chains was walking in the company of soldiers on horses. They tied her hands and feet. Chains tied her to the horse of one of the soldiers so she wouldn't run away. Her dark hair framed her pale face. Big brown eyes in which sadness was hidden. Almost everyone would act like that in her place. She walked barefoot on the gravel path. The hem of the long, white dress that hugged her slender body was dirty. She was tormented. They certainly didn't treat her the best, but she still stood proud. That strange woman was making it clear that she would not surrender. They didn't tame her. They didn't break her.

Prince Ragnan introduced the unknown woman as one of the fairies from the Ruby Lake. She belonged to the shadows. It's hard to believe that such an innocent-looking creature was already the bane of so many men who were lured in by her sweet voice. Many could not believe the girl standing before them could be a monster. However, Princess Luna had a good estimate of people. She saw in that fairy's face that if she hadn't the chains that, as Prince Ragnan had explained, prevented her from harming anyone, she would have killed everyone in the room. She could see in her eyes how she imagined a million ways to torture her captors.

"Maybe this fairy isn't why we went into the Dark forest, but she can be very helpful." Prince Ragnan defended not bringing the Shadow Lord's head.

For everyone in the castle, he was a winner just because he managed to get out of the Dark forest alive and didn't lose a single man. They hung on his every word. Princess Luna would have thought that in addition to being able to send shadows for eternity, she also had some sort of magical power.

"Fairies stand high in the hierarchy of shadows. It makes them look like ordinary people."

The princess remembered that - the most powerful shadows bear the form of people, while the low ones look menacing.

"If we could make her talk, she might be useful. We might even get her to cooperate. She will lead us to the Shadow Lord."

The fairy laughed loudly at the prince's words. It obviously didn't seem likely to her. All the nobles present in the throne room turned their gaze towards that being from the darkness.

Prince Ragnan approached her and leaned close to her. "Don't you agree?" he whispered in her ear loud enough for all to hear.

The fairy gnawed at him with her sharp teeth, but the prince was faster and stepped aback before she bit him. The nobles gasped with fright. Unfortunately for Princess Luna, not a single piece of him was missing.

As the hall emptied and only the king's closest circle remained at his side, the king turned his attention to the guard's commander who accompanied the prince.

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