not enough payment

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Halilintar:*stare at his siblings* "...I'm done." *kick the fricking door and drag Ice out of the room*


Halilintar:*yeet him to Blaze*

Ice:"What the-"

Blaze:*messing around and got hit* "ouch!"

Taufan:"Did Ice just fly-" *get hit by a pan* "Ouch! Gem I didn't-" *see Halilintar holding a pan* "uhh"

Halilintar:*throw another pan at him*

Taufan:*quickly dodge* "Hah you missed-" *get struck by a lighting bolt and pass out* X-X

Solar:*peacefully reading*

Halilintar:*yeet Thorn to him*

Solar:"Hm?" *look up and sees Thorn* "What the-" *get hit*

Halilintar:*tie Taufan up and put on a sign on him saying:'Need a lecture'*

Blaze:"What was that for??"

Halilintar:*look at both Solar and Ice* "Take care of your twins." *go to his room*

Solar and Ice:???

Gempa:"I'm ho-" *freeze in confusion* "What happened??"

Solar:"Don't look at us, ask Hali."

Gempa:"huh??" *sees Taufan* "Oh. He must've been so done with them."

Meanwhile Halilintar in his room:

"I don't get paid enough for this."

For context:TTM were annoying Halilintar the whole day while Solar and Ice did a little prank. Gempa was out the whole day.

It's OOC I know, so let's just say that Hali was feeling silly okay?

This was completely random-

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