Old Friends, New Alliance

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Old Friends, New Alliance
Chapter Ninety-Three

8 months later...

On the Planet Yerbana...

Me and Anakin were talking over the strategy. Obi-Wan and the 212th were in dire need of reinforcements, as their ground forces were being held back by an estimated of 1,200 droids on a bridge.

"What you're saying is a war crime!" I tied my now extra long hair back into a ponytail. He was proposing a fake surrender then launch a massive flank. "And how do you even propose we "sneak" up on the droids?"

"We could use these General." Rex pointed to the jet backs they had on.

"Exactly, you'll launch yourselves up under the bridge, hold onto the bars until my signal." R2 beeped, "Okay, me and R2's signal."

I was extremely unamused. Without Obi-Wan, Master lacked any reason at all it seemed. "This is ridiculous and would never work. Droids don't do surrenders!"

"Obi-Wan has reported that their tactical droid is hidden away, meaning they won't know what to do without him assessing the area upfront.


"And, once we surrender, he'll show his face and BOOM!" He made sure to make a flashy gesture.

"So non-sportsmanship and war crimes...great." I rolled my eyes.

"Cmon Giggles, you know I can't do this without you." He smiled, he was winning me over.

"Fine Master..." I sighed, "I guess I'll be needing a jet pack."

"Actually...I sorta of need you to play a role, you know to sell the surrender."

"You what?"

"Look, just follow my lead."


The clones stationed themselves underneath the bridge. Me and Master walked through the back of Obi-Wan's lines and into the front.

Obi-Wan and Commander Cody were behind debris, taking cover from the enemy fire. I quickly joined them, losing my dodging ability a long time ago. Anakin stood up recklessly swerving out the way of incoming blasters.

"Where is Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked his commander unaware of our presence.

"Right here." Anakin and I answered at the same time. "What are you doing down there?" He asked Obi-Wan slyly.

"We are taking cover! Now get down!"

"You're not serious." Anakin said.

I let their antics fade into the sound of bombs and blaster fire, as I politely asked Cody for his rifle, and took out some of the droids in the front. "Nice shot General!" Cody exclaimed, I smiled and nodded.

"There's only a thousand droids down there, tops." Anakin said.

"1,200." I corrected him. "Give or take a few." I said after shooting three down.

"What are you up to?" Obi-Wan asked, then looked at me. "Where's Captain Rex?"

"You'll see Master. None of this was my idea by the way." I said.

"Oh dear." He face palmed.

"We already finished our battle, so we decided to come help you with yours." Anakin said, standing ontop of debris.

"You're overdoing it. Again." Master Kenobi said sternly.

"Master, I mean no disrespect." I rolled my eyes as he began manipulating the situation, "If you want, I can hide here with you, and we can let the people in the city suffer longer."

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