Chapter Thirteen

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My house was empty when I got home at about 4:45. I put down my school bag, and looked through my closet selecting what I was going to wear tonight. I was also thinking about how I was going to sneak out. Spencer had the ride taken care of, it was just my part of the plan that was the problem. I could just walk out, but that was dramatic.

I packed an overnight bag just in case with toiletries, make-up, pain meds, and a change of clothes. I might not use it tonight, but probably best to have a back up bag to keep at Spencer's. As long as he'd randomly let me crash there if I needed. I found a short black dress in the back of my closet. Pulled out a new pack of black flower print tights and found a pair of black socks. I put on the tights and then I put the socks over them and put on my converse. I straightened my hair. I planned on waiting to do my make-up until getting to Dusty's.

I grabbed my bag, shoving it under the desk. And took one last look in my mirror. Mom isn't home yet and if Alan wasn't already here. I think I was in the clear at least from him. I kept looking at the time, and wondering how late mom was actually going to be, and then I heard her pull up in the driveway. Well that works.

I threw on a pair of pajamas over my tights and bottom of my dress and threw over a navy oversized blanket hoodie. When mom was settled she came in to check on me. I already had my planner on my desk and was fiddling around with it acting like I was looking over due dates.

"Hi, sweetie," She said, looking over my shoulder. So, it was overly nice tonight. Mom and I did not always have a rocky relationship. She thinks I need a father figure, and has tried to make every guy she dates the "man of the house", but she doesn't realize it doesn't work like that. And, anyway it is not like mine is gone. He's just up north with his new fiance, and it was because of his job that I stayed with mom. He travels too much and is never actually home which for an eight-year-old me was not ideal. Still not very ideal. I miss him and he is still my dad no matter what she wants.

"Hi mom." I shared back with less emotion. "What did you need?" She was lingering and she did that when she needed something. She chuckled at me. How does she completely miss the disdain in my voice?

"You can always tell when I have something I want to say," she started with a smile and then she paused. I turned to look at her. Yeah, I commonly did that. That call out had validity, but like it is clearly for another reason as she was more than her usual happy self. My stomach dropped to the floor as she held out her hand. He didn't. I tried not to show my anger and hurt as I looked at her hand. I tried not to give anything away. "I'm getting married!" She shrieked in excitement. I was not excited about the match.

"To Alan?" I asked emotionlessly. Please say no. Please say no. She still ignored my tone. My facial expression only saw what she wanted to see and ignored anything that did not match her vision. This was typical for her.

"Yes, silly," she giggled. She was so blinded by love that she did not see how horrid he was, how he was already ruining everything. What could I say that would make a difference? She fully believes she is doing the right thing.

"Congratulations" I shared with fake enthusiasm, that was easily seen through. If she noticed she did not show it. What else was I supposed to say? What reason would she say no to him? She already knows and saw what he did to me and that is not stopping her. She is so blinded by having a man in our life that she doesn't see how much of a toxic bastard he is already.

"Thanks sweetie. Now, I know you are grounded, but I trust you will stay in tonight while I go out with some friends to celebrate." she shared, hesitantly. This perked my interest. Why even ground me if you are going to make sneaking out so easy? And, if Alan isn't here, go back on it. I am grateful she is not following through, but at the same time I wish she'd make sense. Why did I always have to be the practical one?

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