Chapter 5

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(Cut to Haymitch and Peeta talking at the table.)

"You'd freeze to death first."

"No, cause I'd have a lot of fire." peeta's reply which is immediately dismissed by Haymitch

"Now that's a good way to get killed."

Katniss enters the room and decided to join the conversation while waiting for her sister to show up.

"What's a good way to get killed?"

"Oh, joy. Why don't you join us? I was just giving some life saving advice."

"Like what?" She askes hoping to actually get some advice on how to survive the games.

Peeta answers her question "Oh, I was just asking about how to find shelter."

"Which would come in handy if in fact you were still alive."

"HOW CAN HE BE SO BLUNT. THESE KIDS NEED HELP" was yelled by Molly Weasley who had been sitting quietly until now but had made it know hoe displeased she was about having to react to the unimportant potter child.

"Molly please don't forget that Haymitch has also been through these games and is more then likely traumatized from his own experience and while yes i agree that he should be helping the children i acknowledge that there are reasons to his methods" was the diplomatic reply from Amelia Bones who was just happy to see that her god-daughter was alive and seemingly well.

Katniss deciding to ignore what he just said and trys to get an actual answer to the question "How do you find shelter?"

"Pass the jam?"

"How DO you find shelter?

"Give me a chance to wake up sweetheart. This mentoring is very...taxing stuff. Can you pass the marmalade?"

Lily decides to speak up seemingly losing her patience with the conversation "Just answer her question"

(Delphinium comes through the door just in time to see Katniss lose what little patience she has while heading closer to her death snap and grab a knife and stabs a place mat in between Haymitch's fingers)

"That is mahogany!" the horrified shout from Effie which has Delphi raising her eyebrows.

Delphi is just observing already done with the day she's going to have to train her sister on how to survive the games ones which she won on per chance.

Haymitch finally decides to answer the question even if the answer is not hat anyone was expecting "Look at you. Just killed a.. place mat. You really wanna know how to stay alive? You get people to like you. Oh! Not what you were expecting? Well, when you're in the middle of The Games, and you're starving or freezing, some water, a knife, or even some matches can mean the difference between life and death. And those things only come from sponsors. And to get sponsors, you have to make people like you. And right now sweetheart, you're not off to a real good start."

"The how did SHE win i doubt anyone would want to sponsor her" is spat like poison from none other than Jasmine potter.

Horrified James turns to his youngest daughter "JASMINE LILY POTTER do not speak of your sister that way" immediately wiping the smirk of her face.

Jasmine Potter did not understand why anyone would care about Iris or whatever her new name was after all she as there. She was the potters daughter NOT her she deserved all the attention that her supposed sister was currently getting.


Authors note:

Sorry this chapter isn't really that interesting as it is more of a filler chapter as i only just got back from holiday 2 hours ago and immediately wrote this.

Would any one be interested in any face claims for my OC's

As usual thank you for reading this story and for all the support and please don't be a ghost reader.


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