017 - Out Of The Ash, I Rise

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— out of the ash, i rise —

THERE WAS A DULL ACHING PAIN IN HER BONES, BUT HER BODY FELT STRANGELY COMFORTABLE. Hazel lifted her head from the comfortable pillow, her eyes squinting at the soft glow of fairy lights around the room. Hazel groaned as she pushed herself up right, her hands moving to check her sides, expecting the bloody armour of her suit but instead her fingers ran over a grey cotton. She looked down at the cotton of the large guns and roses shirt, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

She stood on shaky legs, stepping toward the door and out into the hall. She walked down the small hallway out into the living room of Cole's apartment. Hazel barely had time to look around when Terran raced toward Hazel, leaping into her arms and squeezed her tightly. "Oh thank god, I thought I fucked up."

"I'm good, I think," Hazel muttered. Hazel looked up, Cole walking towards her with a hot coffee.

"Oh thank goodness you're up!" Nina squeaked, rushing towards the three. She held Hazel's Venom suit top in her hands. "I managed to stitch everything but whoever makes these might wanna make you a new one."

Hazel took the suit from Nina and Terran sat Hazel on the couch, "Oh uh, thank you, I'll let him know."

Terran waited until Hazel settled the suit in her lap before she spoke up."Cole explained everything to me already so you just drink the coffee and we'll talk," Terran said and Hazel nodded. "So far there's no word from anyone. On your comms or the radio."

"Which could be a good sign," Cole said quickly. "It means everyone could be hiding like we are."

"Gar and Blackfire were shot," Hazel interrupted, looking between them. "I have a feeling they're doing more than hiding out."

Terran sighed through her nose, but continued speaking. "Rachel is looking for Gar, she's able to track the power he radiates so she'll find him soon enough."

"But we should also be laying low, you especially," Cole added and Hazel's eyes snapped up to him. "News is playing all sorts of crap, number one being everyone's wanted for terrorism except for you, Conner and Gar. You guys have an extra."

"What- What do you mean?"

"Footage was released of the Carnival attacks," Terran explained, "The news quickly tried to say the events were fabricated but Barbra got arrested so-"

"All hell broke loose," Cole said with huff.

April 2, 2021

Nina had put the three on house arrest, claiming when it was safe either someone would show up or Hazel would receive a call. But when Terran walked to Hazel with shaky hands whispering that something was wrong with Dick, Hazel threw the door open, her siblings following her quickly.

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