"Thank you Daniela.."

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"Why are you here?" Michelle who was taking care of me suddenly stood up.

"I lost the battle of rock paper scissor with our friends, so as the punishment I was the one going to pick you up." Her cold voice was evident even though she tried to hide it by using her calm voice.

"Where are we going?" I asked her.

"We were supposed to be going on the famous mall that you said here, remember?" Oh yeah.

We were supposed to be going on the famous mall here in my place but lucky me, I am sick. I love my life!

"You can go now, just tell them I said to you the location because I am sick, I can't go with you guys today." She raised her right eyebrow, chill woman.

"Hindi sila papayag, tangi." Here we go again with her native language.

"Huh?" I asked her, the heck is she saying?

"Nothing, I said I'll just tell them that we can't go because you're sick.. No buts, I'm going to take care of you." Aw.

I smiled a little because of what I heard, she's going to take care of me again after 8 years.

I saw her hide her cheeky smile, she turned around and walked straight to the kitchen.

"Hey!" I tried to get her attention by looking at me.

"I'm going to finish this soup I'm cooking, be patient woman." Oh.

I stood up but still feeling dizzy, I walked slowly towards Michelle who was still cooking. I was massaging my forehead while walking, when I was behind Michelle already I hugged her.


"I feel dizzy, Michelle. I haven't eaten any since yesterday night.." I said while pouting even though I know Michelle won't see it.

I felt electricity when Michelle started caressing my arm that was hugging her, she was caressing it gently while her othe arm was still working on the soup she's cooking. Her movements is sending me electricity for unknown reason.

I just noticed Michelle was wearing a black dress of course, it's a black backless dress while her hair was in a half up do bun plus her wearing a specs.

Pretty handsome.

I didn't notice I was back hugging michelle for minutes now because I just heard her say that the soup was already ready.

"A-ann, the soup is done I'll put it on a bowl it's hot so if you don't mind can I remove your arms? Hindi pa tayo nagkakabalikan, mali to." I removed my arms that was hugging michelle and sat on the chair.

I watched michelle as she pours that hot soup on a bowl, I never saw that kind of soup, base on my observation it has a rice and it's also white that has a little yellowish color. It's a kinda weird soup to be honest.

When Michelle sat beside me she switched the position of the chair so she would face me, when she was already facing me she was about to scoup some soup when I interrupted.

"Are you going to poison me? Why does that soup look like yellow? Maybe you're really trying to poi-"

"Chill woman. I won't poison you, I'm not a killer, this is a filipino soup called lugaw. It's yummy so don't say anything else na and just eat so you will feel better." She finally scoups a handful of soup, about to feed me.

I was about to grab the spoon but she slapped my hand away and positioned the spoon in front of my mouth, waiting for me to let it inside my mouth.

Instead of opening my mouth I just stared at Michelle and on the spoon that has a soup back in fourth, Michelle who I think is loosing her patience already finally raised her right eyebrow.

"Do I need to hold your cheeks first so you can eat this handful of soup that is waiting for you to open your mouth?" Her voice tone was sarcastic.

"Or do you need me to act like the plane's sou-" I open my mouth so I can eat the soup already.

"Kakainin din pala nag inarte pa, pasalamat ka mahal kita- ay." Huh?

I didn't bother asking her what did she say and just focused on eating because she's feeding me anyway.

In just a few minutes I was already done eating, she then next gave me a medicine. She was so serious the whole time as if she just want to take care of me purely and not joke around.

When she was already done washing the bowl and the spoon that was used she stood beside me, handing her hands to me.

"I'll guide you to your bedroom, you're still weak and also you legs that is shaking." I smiled because of her concern.

I gratefully took her hand and let her guide me towards my bedroom upstairs so I could lay down, she was seriously guiding me and helping me when I'm about to fall because of my weak shaking legs.

Weak shaking legs was already a part of my sick days, my sick days is not complete without that thing.

I didn't notice we were already inside my bedroom, Michelle guided me to sit and lay down on my bed that is for two people. When I lay down I immediately felt the coldness of my room, it feels like it was torturing my weak body, when Michelle noticed that I was freezing she also lay down and gave me a tight hug enough for me to feel the warmth.

"Thank you Daniela.."

"Hush now, go to sleep you need to have more energy and feel better. I texted our friends already that you're sick and I'm the one taking care of you right now and until you feel better. And you're welcome, tiang." I smiled.

And then I saw black as I dozed off to sleep while embracing the warmth of Michelle's hug. I am so thankful to have her in my life and in my weak days like right now, this is my weak day.


I'm sorry for the slow update I became busy this pass few days, but I hope this chapter paid off the chapters I missed. 🤍

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