9. Out

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Nest and I walked out of base and headed towards the bar.

We laughed and joked around, shoving each other and teasing.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw Ghost and Soap walking a few feet behind us.

He's still so hot.


I turned back around and kept talking with Nest.

We made it to the pub and took a seat.

"Looks like everyone is here." Nest looked around.

I looked around as well and made eye contact with Konig.

I smiled to be polite and looked away.

After a few hours, Nest got up and went to the bathroom.

I looked down at my phone when I heard him sit down again.

"Is the piece of shit done shitting?"


I jumped and looked up.

"Colonel! I'm sorry! I thought you were-"

"Nest? Yes, I figured."

"I do apologize!"

"No need. We're off base, we should be able to relax with each other. How about a drink?"

"Oh, no. Nest and I made a bet to see who would drink alcohol first and I'm not a loser."

Konig laughed.

"So you're just drinking water?"

"And cranberry juice." I nodded.

"Interesting. You have great self control. Although, I must admit. It's strange to come to a bar when you have no plans of drinking."

"We're just eating wings. Want some?"

"No thank you. I am full."

"What about you, sir? Are you drinking?"

"I had a cup. But I'm not even close to tipsy."

He's a big guy, it must take a lot to get him drunk.

We talked for a while and I noticed Nest leaning on a table chatting it up with two girls.

Looks like someone is getting lucky tonight!

That makes one of us.

Konig and I chatted and soon I began to wonder if he was flirting with me.

"Why don't we head back to base? It's getting late." He stood up and I followed him. I sent Nest and text letting him know I was leaving and he gave me thumbs up.

König x Reader: MineWhere stories live. Discover now