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Happy New Year Indeed!!

I am so happy that I finally found my diary. I don't know how I kept it in this carton. I wanted to write in it the next morning but my Aunty called me and I think I dropped it inside this carton. I have been looking for it but I have never checked this place until now because I never believed I kept it here.

Anyways, enough of the chitty chatty of something that happened months ago. So during this days I have experienced things, emotionally, physically and most importantly spiritually.

And also I have learnt how to speak English cause I am now living with my Aunty Joan but sometimes visits Aunty Kindness. I know, I know, I am calling her her real name. Aunty Joan figured out I was calling her Aunty Screamer, how? I wanted to start a knew diary in an exercise book and I mistakenly left the book on the table and that made Aunty Joan to read the contents inside and she corrected me telling me that I should respect elders even though they don't deserve it.

I know you are feeling my grammar, my English. *Smiles Triumphantly* . I haven't misplaced pigeon though. It is just for six month that I have been speaking Diction. Don't expect me to just throw away what I grew up with

Aunty Joan even got me a phone, like a good phone, not button phone. She also got me other electronic gadgets. I was so happy cause she also changed my school and now I am in SS3. YAY! I am turning eighteen in a few weeks to come and I also got Joshua's number.

And . . . about Joshua and I . . . we have become more of siblings than friends. It's not like he is my crush or anything but we have become really really close. Even Aunty Joan knows him and his mum so that's how close we are.

I even think he is coming to my school and his dad has gotten his first eighteen million naira. I was so happy for Joshua and his family. He has two younger sister who are in ss1, one is Patricia and the other is Princess. The last born is Princess and she is the typical spoilt last born you see in very house.

Anyways, the school is a private school, despite my other experience in Private school which I told Aunty Joan. She still told me to have a life and be open to ideas and not an idea.

And now...


I have grown to know Him in another special nice way, I have been growing in wisdom as I also heard his voice and I also spoke to him. You might have noticed, I changed it to Dear Jesus. I love Him so much and I know he loves me too.

I have been to places. Spiritually. I have seen things, known things, heard things and some are the creepiest things I have ever seen. Like your bedsheet is turning into a demon with half human face and half worm disgusting face. That kinda stuff.

" Jane" my Aunty called. It is still early in the morning. Like six and I am getting ready to do chores.

"Yes ma" I answered.

" Darling please come downstairs. We need to talk" I came downstairs.

Aunty Joan and I hardly 'talked' but...if it is that kinda gisting, girly advisable talks. We do that every night.

She smiled when she saw me and there I was front...of my...Father...and mother.

Weird and Annoying.

" What are they doing here?" I asked quite rudely. Well, I didn't actually greet them.

" Greet first" Aunty Joan slapped me playfully but painfully.

" Good morning ma and sir" I greeted. I wanted to just walk out and sleep so I'll forget seeing this woman in front of me.

" Good morning sweetheart" my dad greeted. I am not really angry with my dad, he has tried everything he has to make me enjoy life but a poor man in the village can't change someone's life in the city.

"Good morning dear" this is my mum. Okay, so as for my mum, she is a...she is annoying, good-for-nothing mum.

" What are you doing here?" I asked more specifically directing it to my mum.

" I came to see how you were doing. And obviously, you are doing quite well" she smiled. Argh, I hate that smile.

Do you really hate the smile? Or you're just not forgiving her?

" If that's what you came to see, you have seen it, now please...go" I begged ignoring the small voice in me. I noticed the strange woman I call mum is wearing a more expensive cloth than the one I saw her wearing in the only picture I have of her, the body deodorant tells me she is exceedingly abundantly rich.

" I have also come to beg for your forgiveness" she went on her knees.

" Well you have please go" I begged with her. She felt useless, I saw it on her face and obviously there is nothing she can do.

She can't really believe that I will easily accept her after leaving me for money and dumping me in the trash with my sick father. Instead of her to be there for me when I needed her she was out there chasing money, not for me, not for my dad or at least for all of us...she was chasing it all for herself.

She stood up.

My dad was also wearing a well sown cloth which was also expensive.

" Looks like you told dad to wear something expensive so that it will look like he has forgiven you" I stated angrily and the strange woman that I call my mother sighed.

"If you could just know how sorry I am. I will be relieved" I didn't believe a word she said.

" Wait o. Why are you so worried now and what are you going to be relieved of?" I asked knowing she will lie again.

" I have Cancer"


"What!" My dad and I said at the same time. "Are you lying so that we will treat you like the Queen here?"

"No! That is like wishing I have Cancer but I already have it so there is no need of wishing for it" she laughed ironically.

" Sorry" I said almost without simpathy, I don't even know the woman. " Sorry that you are about to die" I sighed.

"So we are sharing secrets now" my dad finally said. " Well I am getting married in a few weeks" all the heads in the parlor shifted to him including my Aunty Joan. I almost forgot she was here.

"To...who" I asked almost laughing at the thought of my dad getting over the wife that caused him grief because of his love for her. And now he is getting married to another wife. WONDERFUL.

"Guess" he smiled.

What is so funny about this.

"I can't guess. Just tell me, biko " I begged adding my local language.

"To her" he said excitedly.

" To who?" I and my...mum asked at the same time.

" To her" he pointed to the woman behind me. It WAS AUNTY JOAN. O My God.


Thanks for reading

God protects and guides you

Love 💖


DIAMOND SCHOOL ACADEMY 1: The Diary Of A Special GirlWhere stories live. Discover now