X-Men x One Piece

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A girl entered the mall for a day of shopping.

Today, she just wanted a normal day, but as she walked past some type of eating competition, she would find that she would have to wait a bit longer.


Crashing a food eating competition was the Mutant "The Blob".

(The Blob)

Girl: Oh come on

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Girl: Oh come on...

As the Blob approched a boy who was too enthralled with the food he was eating to notice the loomimg threat, the girl sprung into action.

Blob: I'll be taking that delicious food of yours...


Blob reaches for the boy, but before he could touch him, the girl pops out of a wall.

(Kitty Pryde AKA Shadow Cat)

(Kitty Pryde AKA Shadow Cat)

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Kitty: Yoink!

Touching the boy, they phase through the floor.

The two land on their feet.

Boy: Huh? Where did the meat go?

Kitty: Get to safety. I'll deal with the big guy.

Boy:(tilts head) But where's my meat?

She dashes back to the second floor to battle the Blob who she finds eating all the food of the competition.

Kitty: Well at least what you're doing is relatively harmless...

Boy: Oi!

Kitty: Huh?

She turns around to find the boy crouching on a railing, guarding idiots from falling down from the second floor to the first.

Kitty: Where did you-

Boy: Where's my meat? It was in front of me a second ago... Now-

Boy: Huh?

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